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I need a repair manual for a Bosch WFMC2100 UC washer/front load.  Thanx

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  • Samurai Appliance Repair Man


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  • Team Samurai

I can't find a service manual for that older model right now, BUT I do have the parts manual for it and the service manual for the newer models. Both PMed.

What problem are you having with it?


Initially it would not spin or agitate, checked belt-ok, replaced motor and it ran 2 loads fine with hi speed spin ok.  Today it will agitate with no hi-speed spin.  It's driving me nuts not having any literature on this thing, I have always done all my own repairs.  Thanx from an 'Ol Navy man. 

  • Team Samurai

Check voltage at motor connectors when motor is energized in high speed spin. If low or no voltage, the motor control board is bad.


Thanx, not really what I wanted to hear but kinda suspected.  I'll check voltage tomorrow, thanks for the manuals, now I have some direction.  Thanx again. 


Ran a test program on the washer today after receiving the manual from you 'O Honorable Samuri dude.  The washer performed correctly and I retrieved a door open code when complete, since then the appliance has operated correctly.  I'm wondering if maybe the door switch is getting "flakey" and that explains the intermittent(servicemans favorite word) problem with no hi-speed spin/completion of cycle.  What are your thoughts on this.:?

  • Team Samurai

Posseepooplay, as our French brethren say. The switch mounts could be loose. The door may have shifted enough that the strike doesn't actuate the switch reliably. Wire harness on the door switch assembly may be loose, wire may be working its way out of the molex, contacts could be oxidized... fertile ground for appalachiacrapicola!

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