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Hi all, thanks in advance for any help.

My Maytag Neptune MAH5500 is acting weird. Everything works fine until it gets to the high-speed spin cycle.

At 8 minutes remaining it starts the slow spin cycle. At 7 minutes remaining it starts speeding up as it should. Once it starts the high-speed spin (~6 minutes), it decelerates, I smell faint burning, and the tub comes to a stop. The timer then goes back to 8 minutes and the process repeats itself. :huh:  I can't tell for sure if the smell is burning belt or burning circuit board.

I opened it up and the belt looks fine to me.

Is it normal if there is a mechanical failure for the timer to go back in time and try the cycle again? Or could the problem be in the timer / control board itself?

Thanks in advance for any help or insight!



There are several out of balance switches on the machine, one on the bottom and 2 different styles on the top right of the tub. Also have seen wires break to the bottom one also, you will need an ohm meter to check to see if the switches are good or not. Also you need to verify the spin enable switch is also working which is part of the door lock mechanism.

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Thank you for the reply, going to check those switches now. What would be the reason for the burning smell?

  • Team Samurai

Could be a burnt resistor on the machine control board (in the control panel) or the inverter board (down by the motor). Get some eyeballs on each. 


Going to go dig in again now as I finally have a day off. I'm also getting Diag code 28 - Valve thermistor failure - on every cycle. I wonder if that is related. The table says this is caused by Abnormal temperature or ohm resistance seem: Loose or pinched wires or bad water valve. My hunch is maybe the related wires are causing that burn either on the board or on the wires themselves.

Not sure how the valve thermistor is related to my high-speed spin... Any thoughts on that? TIA


Upper control board and lower motor control board look fine.

Suspect valve thermistor (but not sure how that would be related to no high-speed spin, or the burning smell) or the out-of-balance switches like suggested above. Going to check those with a multi-meter.

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