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The Service Diagnostic tech sheet refers to settings buttons that are accessible with the door closed.  However, the buttons on my KDTM354ESS 0 are situated on the top periphery of the door so they are not accessible when the door is closed.  Thus I need to know how to run the diagnostics with the door closed and still be able to invoke various button pushes for various intervals of the diagnaostics.

  1. I know that I could try to repair it (in response to symptoms), but I a number of different actions could be done (some of them very time consuming).  But I prefer to use the diagnostics procedure (when available) in an orderly and intelligent approach for narrowing down and pinpointing solutions.   And it is my impression that the Samurai would also take such an approach .

For instance, I am able to invoke the Diagnostics Cycle (by using button sequences, as suggested) with the door open, wherein all of the buttons LEDS  light up and stay on for 5 seconds as a display test. I was able to get that response with the door "open" (rather than "closed" as directed).  The LEDs then are supposed to go dark for 1 second prior to the Cycle reporting Customer Error history (again while the door is "closed"). Of coarse, I had to leave the door "open" to witness whether or not they were off.  The LEDs all stayed on while the door was open, but I can only guess if they went dark upon closing the door.  The above is supposed to complete in 5+1 seconds of "interval 25".

Then diagnostics moves sequentially through "intervals" 24-21, during which Customer Error codes are generated and identifiable by the number of blinks of the "CLEAN LED" (the only LED that is observable when the door is closed0.  "Interval" 19 has a 10 second pause and the Hi Temp button will be on. Then the Hi Temp button or key is to be pressed in order to clear errors and it's LED will blink twice to indicate that the errors are cleared.  if it doesn't respond, one must open and close the door to wake up the control panel.  Then press Hi Temp button to clear errors.  Again, the door must be open in order to see that button.

There is no way to know when each of 25 intervals is addressed, because the door is closed. 

So. does anyone know how to run the Service Diagnostics without access to the selection buttons?


Let's start on an easier path, first. Why are you running the diagnostic program? What is the problem or symptoms you are experiencing? Dishwasher computer diagnostics can be complicated to perform. It is often much easier to troubleshoot by symptoms alone. 






Thank you for your response.

As I indicated in my post, I would really like to know how to run the diagnostics on the dishwasher and I'm willing to hand wash dishes while trying to do so.  However, my wife is  not as patient as me regarding the dishwasher.  So, I appreciate your offer of help and will provide the symptoms as best I can.

(1) the dw runs through a complete cycle, but the dishes are not being washed, 

(2) the dishwasher is dry, and an upside down bowl collects no water,

(3) I accessed  the input valve and made sure that the screen was clean and that, with power, that it passes water

(4) I made sure the overflow device could freely move, and that the switch was making and breaking. [although it does not make a noticeable "clicking" noise when doing so]

(5) The door latch completes the circuit when closed.

I tried to run another cycle, and opened the door at some point in the cycle, and found water in the bottom of the tub, so for some reason, no water is being sprayed on the dishes.  All of the spray jets are clean and the course filter is clean.  At this point, I decided to run the Service Diagnostics rather than take everything apart to find the problem. I didn't want to  pull the dw out from under the counter to work on it if it wasn't necessary.  That's when I discovered how poorly written the Diagnostics instructions were and, more importantly, they did not take in to account that the selection buttons on my machine are only accessible when the door is open.  I tried to run the diagnostics with the door open, but it would not advance unless the door is closed.  And, with the door closed, I'm blind to what test intervals it is in. 

So, what would you suggest that I do next?  I'm going to try calling KitchenAid (or Whirlpool) regarding the Diagnostics, but I'm not optimistic that they'll be of help.



You're going to have to pull the dishwasher out enough to see the top of the door to see what is happening in diagnostics.

You just need to unscrew the two brackets at the top or maybe screws from the side if it doesn't use the top cabinet mounts.

You don't need to pull the dishwasher completely out, just 3 to 4 inches, (enough to see top of door).   Only when someone has used a hard copper waterline does this become a problem.

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8 hours ago, Budget Appliance Repair said:

You're going to have to pull the dishwasher out enough to see the top of the door to see what is happening in diagnostics.

You just need to unscrew the two brackets at the top or maybe screws from the side if it doesn't use the top cabinet mounts.

You don't need to pull the dishwasher completely out, just 3 to 4 inches, (enough to see top of door).   Only when someone has used a hard copper waterline does this become a problem.


As I indicated in my post, I would really like to know how to run the diagnostics on the dishwasher and I'm willing to hand wash dishes while trying to do so.  However, my wife is  not as patient as me regarding the dishwasher.  So, I appreciate your offer of help and will provide the symptoms as best I can.

(1) the dw runs through a complete cycle, but the dishes are not being washed. a bowl turned upside down d 


The suggestion of pulling DW out just enough to see the top of the door is a great idea.  A similar approach occurred to me when taking a resistance reading for fuse F9, which required removal of the outer face of the door for access to the control unit.  I can see the selection buttons while holding the door face a few inches out from the closed door, and am about to run the service diagnostics cycle per the tech sheet. If I hadn't already removed the face of the door, I would pull the whole unit out just enough to see the selection buttons.

Thank you for your great suggestion.  I'll report the results of my endeavor.


Posted (edited)

I had one with a similar complaint of not washing dishes good, only about a 3-4 year old unit.

It had a heating system error - after running diagnostics and clearing error code heating system works again and no other problems could be found, customer hasn't called back saying they are having any problems so I have to assume everything is OK again.

If these units see a heating fault of any kind it will disable the heating circuit - to reset, diagnostics must be ran and codes cleared in the step after all stored codes is completed.

A heating fault can occur if the water is too cold and doesn't raise in temp enough to satisfy sensor - something like a shower using all hot water and the dishwasher being ran can cause this.

If it takes a long time for the hot water to get to the sink near the dishwasher you should run the hot water at the sink before you start the dishwasher so it is assured of having hot water when it starts.


Edited by Budget Appliance Repair
  • 3 weeks later...

Just like budget appliance repair suggested you will need to pull out the unit to see the control panel with the door closed. This is literally only going to need a couple inches. But aside from that if the dishwasher is working meaning running thru a complete cycle just not washing the dishes there’s many easier ways to determine the cause of the problem besides using diagnostics. Sometimes diagnostics on these units can be tricky and take much longer than some old skool trouble shooting. 

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