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Maytag top load LAT9706AAE will not drain/spin on normal load selection

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Maytag Top loader washer LAT9706AAE

Washer will not spin/drain when the load is set to "normal" wash load. I can get it to spin out on the "delicate" load selection on the dial.

I am thinking it is the timer. I am perplexed though, because the "on" light still lights up even on the non functioning spin cycles on the Washer? I can not tell from the wiring diagram if it will light "on" to tell you it is getting power, even if the "spin" cam is out on it?

Mama needs to get diaper laundry washed and is on a crazy tight budget. Is it likely the timer and is it worth ordering such an expensive part? I have kept her alive this long, she is kind of like family! 

Thank you!


With out looking at the wiring diagram, some motors have more than one speed to them. If you turn the dial like you said to normal speed, do you hear the motor try to start, also do you hear a clicking noise in front. Take the control off, put in normal mode and listen to the timer slowly turn to spin, do you hear anything. If you do, the gears maybe broke and you will need a timer. Any way if you have a meter you can test the speed that works against the speed that don't. Gentle is slow speed.


Ok. So you are saying One motor speed might be burned out instead of just the timer?

when i turn the dial to spin under normal cycle, I get nothing. Just the click of pulling the knob out. 

I tried to listen to the knob counting down through the cycle, but I couldn't hear anything, unless  I needed to take it apart to hear?


Turn the knob to spin in a spot where you have been having trouble and pull the knob to start. Grasp the knob and gently press up and down and wiggle it side to side. If the motor cuts in and out, get a timer.

As far as is it worth it, see if you can remove the front panel (either two Phillips screws or two clips underneath that you can pry out with your thumb.) Remove the panel and look inside the cabinet. If you see a thick greenish black sludge slung all over the inside, get a new washer. Look for streaks on the underside of the outer tub where the transmission goes into the tub. If you see any, that indicates a bad seal and you would replace the mounting stem and tub bearing. Two different parts, one comes with the seal.

Let us know what you find.

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So, i went down to listen to the timer.... With my kids being quiet. I could hear the ticking now and it it scared me by actually advancing and spinning?! So an intermittant problem would be most likely be the timer and not the motor I assume? I will tear it apart toMorrow to inspect the inside but I had it apart last year to replace the air pressure sensing hose and I do not remember it being awful in there.



It will be the timer ,  very common problem for a 20 year old maytag.  Well worth fixing !!!!!!

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Not the timer, I'm talking the motor itself. It is easier to take the control panel off because you can feel the timer motor.


I ran a load but it went through a full cycle normal but then kept on going and did the extra rinse. Does that support the timer being off or is this something else? The button for extra rinse was clearly not selected at all on the control panel.


And now it will not spin for permanent press either. Only delicate.

i can hear it click When it is supposed to engage spin, but nothing happens.


Start a spin, grab the knob and press up and pull down and see if you can get the motor to cut in and out. Very quick and easy to do.

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I tried to wiggle the knob and it does not engage the spin. But it did end up spinning after I went all the way around and tried one last time so I dont know what to think or do.


From all you have said I still think your timer is going bad, but I will say that if your serial number starts with 14 or less the older lid switch design can SOMETIMES mimic timer symptoms. If your serial number is starts with 15 or higher the newer style switch either works or it doesn’t so it will for sure be the timer.  Also there is two different timers for your model based on what your serial number begins with.


Thank you! I replaced the lid switch and the water fill air pressure hose thing last year so those should be good. 

Do I pull the timer then to see what part I need to order?

thanks again!


Just look it up on any appliance parts website with your model number, also this particular washer you will need the 1st two numbers of the serial number since there are two different timers for your model 


Most of the time the numbers on the timer will not help

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