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Need service manual and or service and wiring sheet for Kenmore elite model 106.44433602

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Kenmore elite model 106.44433602 working fine but....  When the compressor is running you hear a relay fire off every 0.5 sec and it's random but repeatable. The relay that is making the noise is internal to the inverter module. Sometimes there is more delay between cycles.  7.5 ohms between all coils on the compressor.  5 volts on the signal wire from the control board to the inverter.  115volts at the converter compressor is running.  I need the tech sheet to run the diagnostic. And the service manual would give me more information. I'm not a parts swapper, I need diagnose to the module or component.   Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Looks like I left off the fact that when the relay fires it also triggers the evap and condenser fan.


Looks like I left off the fact that when the relay fires it also triggers the evap and condenser fan.


Looks like I left off the fact that when the relay fires it also triggers the evap and condenser fan. 1


Looks like I left off the fact that when the relay fires it also triggers the evap and condenser fan.

Thank you Slav.  Is there any way I can get a service and wiring sheet?  There isn't one on the fridge.  I may have inadvertently vacuumed it up when cleaning the coils.  A general location of the control module would be helpful as well.

Thanks again


The original control board 2307028 has been replaced by W10219463. But it's not available anywhere to purchase. However, you may be able to fix it yourself. The video below shows the location of the board and possible troubled components.

***But there is no guarantee that it will work for you too***



  • Thanks 1

I ordered the caps and relay off Amazon.  Pulled the control board and replaced the cap and relay.  45min the reforge was back on line working fine.  It helps to have an electronics workbench and background.  Thank you $10 fix.


Good to hear it!

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