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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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Now Accepting Applications for the Samurai Appliance Tech Boot Camp Beta Class!

The Samurai Appliance Tech Boot Camp is currently in the Beta testing phase. Final pricing for tuition will be announced after the Beta phase. The Beta class will be a very small group of carefully selected early testers who agree to provide constructive feedback for improving the course. After the Beta period, all students will pay the full tuition at the current rates. The specially-reduced tuition for the Beta class is $100 for the first half of the course, Part 1: Fundamentals. This is a fra

Normal gas burner operation sequence in a gas dryer

My old guru, AT1 Crowe, used to tell me, "Look, sailor, how you gonna even begin to troubleshoot equipment to figure out what's wrong if you don't know what right is?" Applying this flawless logic to gas dryers, if the burner in your gas dryer ain't firing up, you gotta at least start by knowing what the correct operation sequence is. Grand Master Reg lays it out for us: To learn more about your dryer or to order parts, click here. Source: Kenmore Dryer 110.73942101 - no heat

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Non-PCM Repair on a Jazz Board Refrigerator

This is a newish Maytag jazz board refrigerator presenting with a warm FF and cold FZ. This was not your typical defrost failure. The failure here was the evaporator fan was not running. I troubleshot the problem without disassembling the freezer-- did it all from the jazz board.  Even though this is a modern, computer-controlled refrigerator, what you're about to see are actually old skool troubleshooting techniques that have been largely lost in the appliance repair trade today: r

No-parts field repairs on two dryers with failed timers

I had two service calls recently on two different dryers with the same problem: the motor wouldn't run.  These are two different dryers: one an old skool Whirlpool-built unit with the lint filter on the top panel and the other a Maytag Neptune-style dryer. Different disassembly, wiring, and schematics, and completely different timers. But in both cases, the problem was the same--a burnt contact in the timer (failed open so would not close). In the two videos below, I show you how

New Training Course Coming Soon - Oven and Range Repair

UPDATE: The Oven and Range Repair course is now open for enrollment. Click here for details.  Team Samurai is turning up the heat this July with a new full-length technical course: Oven and Range Repair The content that we’ve created for you is absolutely fantastic. We cannot wait to be able to open the doors so you can see it for yourself. This is a mondo course, with over 30 original videos and 7 Case Studies, that was almost a year in the making using the same training structur

New Personal Hygiene Appliance for Future Appliance Repairs

You old timers remember back in the day when we used to get service calls on scrotum scrubbers? Yeah, I was really glad when people stopped using those. Well, just when you thought the bad old days were gone for good, get ready, guys, because there's a new, even more disgusting personal hygiene appliance coming to the market that we'll be getting calls on: the butt wiper. Coming to a neighborhood near you:   

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

New FREE Short Course: Appliantology 101 - Your Guide to the Ultimate Appliance Repair Information Tool

The internet has been a game-changer for the appliance repair industry. But it only works for you if you know how to work it! Information is key. Professional appliance repair techs work on so many brands and models that access to manuals for disassembly info, schematics, and specifications is a big factor in the success of the repair.  And with the increase in computerization of appliances, war-gaming the service call ahead of time has become critical for increasing first-call complet

New and Improved Download Program for Chief Appliantologists

We’ve had to make some adjustments to our server because our server resources were being pushed to the max. It was getting to the point that it was affecting the stability and performance of the server. And it was affecting Professional Appliantologist users who pay an annual fee to support the site.   When server resources get limited, you can do one of two things: 1. get a bigger server 2. allocate server resources among users   We did the bigger server thing a few years ago and, while it help

New and Improved Appliantology Membership Packages

In my ever-evolving quest to offer my users the very best online appliance repair help and information experience, I've improved the membership packages available here at Appliantology. The free Grasshopper package will continue to be available as is. But the Apprentice and Professional Appliantologist packages have been upgraded and, incredibly, made even better... as if that was even possible, right? For starters, the free Apprenticeship package using the Facebook coupon promotion has ended. I

Naked Before Millions

Hoo-wee! We just passed One Million views on my YouTube channel! With over 140 videos (and counting) of my gnarly, naked knuckles whuppin' up on a bunch of appliances, you're sure to find some inspiration for your own appliance battles. Subscribe to my YouTube channel and observe, first-hand, my patented appliance repair battle techniques.

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Musical Tools

We appliance techs love tools. For some of us, this love is so deep and so profound that it moves them to song. DurhamAppliance is one such tech. Let's listen to the music of tools gushing from his heart... Source: US Pro Tools

Multi-tech Operators: Grow your business with Master Samurai Tech

The problem in the appliance repair trade today is that we have too many parts changers and not enough technicians. Even many experienced techs don't know the fundamentals and technology we're working with on modern appliances today. I'm talking about things like basic electricity, circuits, reading schematics, knowing how to troubleshoot, motors, microcomputer control systems.  What this means is this: you're probably not going to find techs to hire with the skills you need to grow your bu

Mt. Tecumseh with My Boyz

All work and no play and make for a dull, burned out Samurai!  Since it was such a fine Navy day today, I took the day off and went hiking up Mt. Tecumseh with my boyz: my sons, Stephen and Sam, and our German Shepherd hiking partner, Ozzy.  Mt. Tecumseh is one of the 48, New Hampshire 4,000 footers that Stephen and Sam are working on completing.  Nothing like a serendipitous hike in the mountains to clear the head and recharge the batteries!   <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/44073

Mt. Ascutney with the Oz Man

Up and back to the West Peak of Mt. Ascutney via the Weathersfield Trail. Very icy trail conditions! The Oz Man and I both took several world class tumbles. I was wearing Yak Trax Pros because my Katoola microspikes broke. And full-blown 10-point crampons would've been overkill, even dangerous with the many rocks poking up out of the ice-- snag a crampon fang on one of those going down and you're going headlong down the mountain. Wish I had taken some pics of the trail but I got some other s

MST-Appliantology Newsletter, May 23, 2016: HOT Issue!

If you're not getting the MST-Appliantology newsletter, you're missing out on lots of good info on all things appliantological. You can subscribe for free here: http://appliantology.org/announcement/20-newsletter/ We had lots of news in this issue: - Memorial Day 10% tuition discount for any course or course bundle at Master Samurai Tech through the end of the month. - New FREE short course at MST on Internetology - Yes, there is life outside of Facebook! - MST Radio Vodcast Episode 1

MST Radio Episode 28 - The Biz of Selling New Appliances

Special guest, Justin Duby, with Just-in Time Appliance Repair in Grantspass, OR ( @applianceman97 here at Appliantology) joins us to talk about his experience selling new appliances and offer tips and advice for anyone thinking of adding this to their appliance service business. Also, at the end of the show, we give an update on the developing Facebook data-selling debacle that's unfolding. More info on this in my previous blog post.   You can subscribe and listen to th

MST Radio Episode 27: Online Appliance Repair Schools- the good, the bad, and the scams

In this special international episode, the Samurai is in Fiji at Samurai International Headquarters, while Mrs. Samurai is in the Team Samurai New Hampshire pavilion. Although halfway around the globe from each other, Team Samurai comes together through the miracle of the Internet to deliver you this timely and crucial information in this episode of Master Samurai Tech Radio. We compare and contrast three online training options with the Master Samurai Tech Academy.     

MST Radio Episode 25: Sears tech attacks customer

Samurai Appliance Repair Man and Mrs. Samurai suss out various angles and facets in a sensational recent news story where a Sears contractor tech attacked a customer. Lots of interesting lessons from this story for both customers and in-home service professionals.  Link to the news story: http://denver.cbslocal.com/2018/02/19/repairman-arrested-homeowner-attack/    

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

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