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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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The Warm Refrigerator Troubleshooting Flowchart

Refrigerator warming up and you can't think straight enough to figure out what's wrong because you're in a pure, blind panic? Well, you just unbunch them panties and sing along with the Samurai in his Warm Refrigerator Troubleshooting Flowchart and you'll have the problem figured out before you can say, "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis."

How to enter service test diagnostic mode in Bosch WTMC dryers

Once in test mode, you can select the tests to run using this procedure: Selecting WTMC / WTXD Dryer Tests Test Position on knob WTMC33/WTXD53 WTMC63/65, WTXD83/85 View fault codes 1st position on right (cw) Extra Dry (Reg./Cot.) Extra Dry (Reg./Cot.) Safety test2nd position on right (cw) Very Dry (Reg./Cot.) Very Dry (Reg./Cot.) Display test (LED's/LCD's) 3rd position on right (cw) Regular Dry (Reg./Cot.) Regular Dry (Reg./Cot.) Control elements test 4th position on right (cw) Damp Dry (Reg./Co

Is it worth fixing a 20-year old Kenmore (Whirlpool) direct drive washer that won’t spin or pump out?

Paul wrote: Click the play button below to listen to Samurai's reply right here on the Web! (If the audio player below doesn't show up in your browser because you're on an iPad, iPhone or really, really old browser, you can listen to it at this link ==> http://cinch.fm/fixitnowsamurai/401647 ) <embed src="http://cinch.fm/cinchplayerext.swf" flashvars="file=http:%2f%2fcinch.fm%2fcinchplaylist.aspx%3FRecordingID%3D401647&playermode=text&autostart=false&bufferlength=5&volume=8

How to replace the defrost heater in a Samsung refrigerator

This is the kind where the engineers were smokin' some goot sheet and decided to make the defrost heater and integral part of the evaporator coil, I guess under the delusion that the heater would never burn out. I gotta git me some o' dat! Anyway, the replacement procedure is a bit more involved that in most other refrigerators. Now, for the first time ever in the Universe, Sublime Master of Appliantology Certified Tech Group 51 reveals his patented technique. Source: Samsung Ref Model #RS265LA

Using the Gallery Section at the Appliantology Academy

If you are registered here at the Appliantology Academy, you have the ability to create your own album. Share the trials and triumphs of your appliance repair battles. Furthermore, good, annotated appliance repair-related photos can earn you a free Merit Apprenticeship here at the Academy! This screencast is dedicated to Sublime Master Strathy <iframe width=652 height=533 frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="http://www.screencast-o-matic.com/embed?sc=cle0FMgl8&w=650&v=3"></

How to fix a Samsung dual-evaporator refrigerator where the beer compartment keeps icing up

This fix is for the Samsung-built refrigerators (includes some GE's) with two evaporator coils: one in the freezer compartment and a second one in the beer compartment (most refrigerators just have a single evaporator coil in the freezer compartment). The problem here is that ice would be left in the condensate drain pan after defrost (see below) which would build up to a solid chunk of ice. Here's a clever, low-cost solution: Source: defrost failure samsung model RS2555SL

Master Samurai Tech Radio Episode 18 [Special Guest]

Introducing the mysterious Son of Samurai (yes, the actual spawn of Samurai), the man behind the scenes running Appliantology.org and MasterSamuraiTech.com. He's also a certified Master Samurai Tech and the Samurai's service call partner. In this episode we talked about: - Son of Samurai, who he is and what he does to keep our websites running - Behind the scenes at Appliantology - Common user questions at Appliantology - What it takes to be a professional appliance repair technician

LG WM3677HW Combo Washer/dryer - washes okay but doesn't dry

One common problem with these combo laundry units is that they'll stop drying the clothes. The dryer portion of the combo unit is a condenser type dryer. It works on the principal that water condenses on a cool surface, similar to moisture collecting on a cold drink on a hot and humid summer day. A fan circulates air through the warming duct, drum, and condenser and over and over. The air is warmed because warmer air holds more moisture than cooler air and the heat causes more of the water to be

Backpacking in the Pemigewasset Wilderness

Went on an overnight backpacking trip Thursday and Friday in the Pemigewasset Wilderness thru the Bonds: Bondcliff, Mt. Bond, and West Bond, the "Jewels of the Pemi," with my Samurai Spudlets™. Caught sunset on West Bond. Camped overnight at Guyot campsite. Hiked out via Mt. Guyot, the Twinway, South Twin, Galehead hut, and Franconia Brook Trail to make it a nice loop hike. Turn your speakers up and check out the slideshow here. Best viewed in fullscreen mode. I didn't have any cell signa

Linear Motors and Linear Compressors Webinar Recording

In case you missed it or would like to review, Professional Appliantologist members here at Appliantology may watch the recording on Linear Motors and Linear Compressors webinar on August 15, 2016 here:  And just a reminder that Professional Appliantologist members have convenient access to all the webinar recordings on the Webinar Recordings Index page here:  Master Samurai Tech Academy students have access to all the webinar recordings here: http://mastersamuraitech.com/webinar-rec

Defective customers and Youtube

There's a lot of great stuff on Youtube on just about any topic you're interested in. You can even find detailed how-to information on appliance repair, for which the premiere, go-to channel is this one. But unless you know how to apply what you're seeing on Youtube to your exact, specific appliance repair problem, then Youtube videos just become a source of noise and confusion. In fact, if you are someone specially endowed with the Cheesedork mentality, then Youtube videos will only make you d

The DADoESTX Method for checking the agitator dogs in a Whirlpool direct-drive washer

Chief DADoESTX instructs us on how to check the agitator dogs (or "dawgs" as we say at UGA) to make sure they're grabbing when they're supposed to... Part link to the agitor dawg repair kit ==> http://www.repairclinic.com/PartDetail/Agitator-Repair-Kit/285811/2744?modelNumber=LSR5233AW0 Source: My Whirlpool LSR5233AWO washer, agitator spins freely clockwise after replacing clutch dogs

Announcing the Winners of the First-Annual-Ever-yet-(somehow)-World-Famous Appliantology Photo Caption Contest!

We held the First-Annual-Ever-yet-(somehow)-World-Famous Appliantology Photo Caption Contest both at our Facebook Page and here at my Appliantology blog. The judges have all harumphed, guffawed, flatulated and conferred. And now, finally... The results are in! Before I reveal the clever and literarily-endowed recipients of the coveted Appliantology Photo Caption Award™, I'll show you the uncaptioned photo. Behold... Here, now, I give you the two winners for the First-Annual-Ever-yet-(somehow)-

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Icemaker Wiring Info for Frigidaire Whirlpool and LG Refrigerators

Sometimes, you want to use an ice maker made from one manufacturer in a refrigerator made by a different manufacturer. The trick is knowing how to map out the wire harness so you can splice the wires into the harness in the right order and not pop the breaker or blow out the ice maker. Brother Reginald has prepared this nice table that lists wire cross reference info for Whirlpool, Frigidaire, and LG ice makers. Wire away! Source: How do I splice ice maker wires?

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Appliantology's Best Kept Secret: the Webinar Recordings Index Page

Y’all gather ‘round and ol’ Samurai’s gonna tell you about the best kept secret at Appliantology.  You know the Samurai does periodic webinars on a wide range of appliance repair topics.  At the webinars, we talk about all kinda cool techie topics like basic electric circuits, troubleshooting strategies and tactics, reading schematics, computer control and digital communications in appliances, electric motor operation, gas flame sensing and reignition technologies, and more. Over 30 ho

Diagnosing Catastrophic Front Load Washer Drum Bearing and Inner Basket Failures

Front Load Washers Rule! First, lemme start off by saying I love front load washers. I think they offer the best clothes washing technology out there combining low water use with a gentle tumble wash that's easy on the fabrics, making your clothes last longer, and does a very thorough job of cleaning the clothes compared to the high efficiency (HE) top load washers. We're a family of five with dogs and cats. We've used a front load washer for over 16 years at our house and, aside from routine r

Whirlpool Duet washer F1E1 error

If you're getting the f1e1 error code even after replacing the CCU, it means the CCU is (still) bad. Professor of Appliantology john63 gives us the poop on this one: Buy the replacement CCU with a 365-day return policy here ==> http://www.repairclinic.com/PartDetail/Control-Board/W10309219/1876151?RCAID=24038 Source: Whirlpool duet washer mod# wfw9250ww01
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