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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

Entries in this blog

Master Samurai Tech Radio, Episode 29: Appliance Repair Triage Tools or Dummy Directions?

Triage tools for appliance repair service calls are all the rage today. Whether based on a frequent parts replacement database or more sophisticated database queries and constructs using AI, there's lots of talk about these products.  Team Samurai weighs in on this topic to discuss the proper and improper use of these tools. In the hands of a skilled tech, they can be a time saver. But triage tools cannot make a skilled tech out of PCMs. Lots of nuances to this topic so listen in.

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man in Podcast

Master Samurai Tech Radio, Episode 13

In this year-end vodcast, Samurai Appliance Repair Man and the Mrs. Samurai do some reminiscing about all the great students we’ve worked with during 2015, the new features we’ve added to the Samurai Tech Academy's state-of-the-art online appliance repair training courses and we describe even more improvements coming in 2016!   Read more or watch below:     Subscribe or listen to past episodes at mstradio.com.

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Master Samurai Tech Radio, Episode 12 [Special Video Edition]

Industry Talk: - BSH- what's the "H" stand for? - Charge your smart phone from your refrigerator *wirelessly* with WattUp technology.   Master Samurai Tech news: - New post on how loose electrical connections, like splices and terminals, can produce enough heat to burn wires and insulation. http://mastersamuraitech.com/loose-electrical-connections-and-heat/ - Recapping the dismal and outdated state of appliance repair training today. YouTube makes hands-on disassembly training obsolete. What we

Master Samurai Tech Radio, Episode 11

In this episode...   - Upcoming webinar on Schematic-foo: ancient Samurai art using tech sheets as deadly weapons in appliance repair. Get details here: http://appliantology.org/calendar/event/768-schematic-workshop-webinar/ - Appliance product training today: we don't need hands-on, we need brains on. The future is here NOW! - Bidness Talk: Pricing your services; fixed and variable costs; how much should you be charging for repairs? Strategic customer selection and when to fire your customer; P

Master Samurai Tech Radio, Episode 10

- We're back from our bidness trip last week but Mrs. Samurai has a cold so this episode is mostly Tech Talk. - Visit to American Appliance in Golden, CO, one of Sub-Zero's premiere partners. - Recap of Dacor training in their Android-controlled ranges - GFCIs and AFCIs. What they are, what they do, how they're different, and current NEC requirements. - Voltage and current in series and parallel circuits.   Listen here or subscribe on iTunes or Android.  

Master Samurai Tech Radio, Episode 1

The inaugural episode of Master Samurai Tech Radio is out! We just submitted it to iTunes so the iTunes subscription link will take a few days to work. But meanwhile, you can download or stream it here: http://mastersamuraitech.com/master-samurai-tech-radio-episode-1/

Master Samurai Tech Radio Episode 6

In this life-changing episode of Master Samurai Tech Radio, Samurai and the Mrs. talk about all kinds of things appliantological.   Due to the overwhelming response we've gotten the last few days, we've extended our Labor Day tuition discount on all courses and bundles at the Samurai Tech Academy thru Sunday, 9/13! Coupon code: LABORDAY2015. Enroll here: http://mastersamuraitech.com/online-enrollment/   Industry News: we talk about the international appliance brand Beko - number one in the UK -

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Master Samurai Tech Radio Episode 5

In this killa-manilla episode of the Master Samurai Tech Radio podcast, the Samurai and Mrs. Samurai reveal the answer to every burning question you’ve ever had about anything!   Okay, okay, well we at least know you’ve been losing sleep over the mysteries of centrifugal switches and what the heck is the difference between NTC and PTC. Oh, yeah, we cover that and much, much more in what can only be called an appliance repair revelation.   Here’s a list of the meaty stuff we carve up and serve in

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Master Samurai Tech Radio Episode 23 - ASTI 2018 Wrap up and More!

In this epic episode: - Wrap up of the 2018 Annual Service Training Institute (ASTI) held in St. Petersburg, FL - Technical and business training at the ASTI - Travel tips to avoid getting sick - Fun facts to know and tell about how social media manipulates you and gives you brain damage   You can subscribe to the podcast and just listen to the audio portion here.

Master Samurai Tech Radio Episode 22: How big is the Samurai's ego?

In this special episode, we explore the question of size of the Samurai's ego. Turns out that it's so massive that we needed a whole episode devoted to it. Yes, size does matter!  Also:  - Upcoming ASTI in St. Petersburg - Tech training challenges - Three stumbling blocks to becoming a better tech - What makes Appliantology so great?  - MST Alumnus program   Subscribe to the podcast here.  

Master Samurai Tech Radio Episode 21 – Battle of the Titans: Samsung, Whirlpool, Kenmore, Amazon

Industry News: Employment numbers for the appliance repair industry Whirlpool lawsuit against Samsung because Samsung is kicking Whirlpool's corporate *ss on front load washers Samsung opening a new, state-of-the-art $380 million manufacturing facility in South Carolina Kenmore appliances on Amazon Appliantology monthly workshops Refrigerator sealed system repairs: what you really need to know Top Kendo Master at Appliantology each mo

Master Samurai Tech Radio Episode 20: Consumer Right to Repair Laws

- Industry news: Consumer right to repair laws coming to a state near you. Consumers will have the right to purchase appliance service manuals from the manufacturer. What does it mean for you as a professional appliance repair technician? - The Ten Step Tango troubleshooting procedure: Troubleshooting techniques for any appliance brand or type. If you aren't already registered at the site, click here to sign up for the free TST course. - Tech training webinars at MasterSamuraiTech.com

Master Samurai Tech Radio Episode 18 [Special Guest]

Introducing the mysterious Son of Samurai (yes, the actual spawn of Samurai), the man behind the scenes running Appliantology.org and MasterSamuraiTech.com. He's also a certified Master Samurai Tech and the Samurai's service call partner. In this episode we talked about: - Son of Samurai, who he is and what he does to keep our websites running - Behind the scenes at Appliantology - Common user questions at Appliantology - What it takes to be a professional appliance repair technician

Master Samurai Tech Radio Episode 17

Special 4th of July episode: - Industry News: Haeir buys GE Appliances; new Wolf induction cooktop; Italian appliance manufacturer, SMEG, gaining market share - Firing your customer; identifying and harpooning "land sharks." Link to article discussed in the vodcast: https://www.groovehq.com/support/how-to-fire-a-bad-customer - Current thinking on responding to negative reviews - Dealing with unreasonable customers - Master Samurai Tech news Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or

Master Samurai Tech Radio Episode 15

Another all-new vodcast episode of Master Samurai Tech Radio! In this killa episode: - Weekly tech training webinars, aka., Office Hours, for MST Academy students and Professional Appliantologist members here at Appliantology. - Webinar recordings available for both students and PA members. - Open Q&A Office Hours- a great time to ask questions about a schematic or tech sheet that you're having troubles understanding.  - Live Tech Help at Appliantology.org!  Subscri

Master Samurai Tech Radio Episode 14

In this long-awaited episode: - Mr. Appliance tech training website powered by Master Samurai Tech - ASTI 2016 recap and discussion - Industry news - trends in the evolving appliance repair profession - Tech training webinars at Appliantology.org and MasterSamuraiTech.com - Bidness Talk: "Where can I hire good techs?" - Tool Talk: Information tools for more effective appliance repair service calls  

Master Samurai Tech Academy Site Upgrade Today - Some Turbulence Expected

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, this is your Samurai speaking. We're expecting a little turbulence today as we make some adjustments to the Master Samurai Tech Academy website. There may be periods throughout the day where the site either doesn't load at all or may look strange. This, too, shall pass.  For now, I invite you to sit back, relax, and peruse the latest pearls of appliantological wisdom in my blog here at Appliantology.

Master Appliance Repair at the Samurai Tech Academy

Things are hopping at the Samurai Tech Academy as we now have a steady stream of students, and quite a few enthusiastic graduates already. Here's a new presentation video for the Samurai Tech Academy that we created for the Sample Course page at the Academy site to introduce the course to prospective students. My two sons, Stephen and Sam, put together the presentation and wrote the script and I'm the big-mouth talking it through. Check it out! This Christmas, give the gift of learning to some

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Maintenance Kit for the Newer-Style Frigidaire-built Dryer (also sold under the GE brand)

One of the little secrets in the appliance manufacturing world is that the manufacturers will often build appliances for each other. One example of this is certain models of GE dryers are actually built by Frigidaire but sold under the GE label. There are two maintenance kits out there for Frigidaire-built dryers: - part number 5304461262 for the older-style units and - part number 5304457724 for the newer-style units. What's the difference? Click each of the links and above and carefully examin

Loose Electrical Connections and Heat

We all know that loose electrical connections cause multiple problems in appliances, heat being the most common one. But why does this happen? And what are the other negative effects on the circuitry and other components of the appliance? With a little help from our trusty friend Ohm’s Law, I will reveal all in this video tutorial. As a bonus, I'll also debunk a common myth that loose electrical connections cause a circuit to draw more current. Come with me now on a Journey of Total Appliance En
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