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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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Using a Test Cord to Diagnose a Microwave

A powerful troubleshooting technique when working on microwave oven that won't heat is to split the problem in half to determine if the problem is coming form the low voltage side or the high voltage side. A test cord can be a very useful troubleshooting tool because it allows you to so just that. Sublime Master Chat_In_RI enlightens us on this technique: Source: GE Double Oven Microwave not heating

Appliantology Newsletter: Keep Your Furnace Firing This Winter

Appliantology NewsletterKeep Your Furnace Firing This Winter November 15, 2012 Presents Another Award-Winning Issue of... As the temperatures drop, folks all around the country are firing up their furnaces to keep out the cold. This issue of Appliantology offers you some tips for keeping your furnace running at peak efficiency and some resources for repair help and parts in case your furnace breaks. Replace Your Furnace Filter NowThis is the single most important and easiest thing you can do to

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Appliantology Newsletter: Keep Your Oven Cooking for Thanksgiving

Appliantology NewsletterKeep Your Oven Cooking for Thanksgiving November 1, 2012 PresentsRunning Your Oven's Self-Clean Could Mean Cold Turkey on Thanksgiving DayProfessional Appliantologists mark the seasons by the mix of service calls we get. We're just now coming out of refrigerator season and getting into the thick of oven season. Every year, in the few days leading up to Thanksgiving Day, I can always count on a ton of last-minute, panicked service calls."Why is that, Samurai?" you ask.We

Appliantology Newsletter: Special Weapons and Tactics in Appliance Repair

Appliantology NewsletterSpecial Weapons and Tactics in Appliance Repair October 19, 2012 Presents Special Weapons and Tactics in Appliance RepairAll Master Appliantologists acquire advanced repair katas during their years of hand-to-machine combat with malfunctioning appliances. Examples of how some of these Special Weapons and Tactics are used in appliance repair include:- diagnosing elusive or subtle problems- gaining insight into the condition of a component and assessing its likelihood of

Understanding the Neutral Drain Function in a Whirlpool Direct-Drive Washer Transmission

The neutral drain in the Whirlpool direct-drive washer puts the transmission into neutral while the tub is draining. The purpose is to save wear and tear on the clutch, drive coupler, and motor. While it's function and operation are simple and easy to understand, it can still be confusing for folks. Chief Master Appliantologist DADoESTX offers one of the simplest and clearest explanations of the neutral drain function that I've ever read: Source: Whirlpool WTW5505SQ1

Using Temperature Data Loggers to Solve Mysterious Refrigerator Temperature Problems

<p>As professional Appliantologists, we've all run into situations where we realized that we needed a way to log temperature data inside a refrigerator for at least 24 hours to get a clear picture of what's going on inside that box.  A couple of examples are:</p> <blockquote>Customer complains of warm temperatures in the beer compartment of her Maytag side-by-side refrigerator but says that the freezer compartment is fine (and we know how accurate customer temperature measureme

Daughter of Samurai's Big Fat Greek Wedding: The Movie

My daughter got married September 2 this year in Syracuse, NY. It was a Big Fat Greek wedding just like in the eponymous movie. I'm half Greek and half white so my family contributed a little, watered-down Greekness. But my daughter married into a huge and very Greek family. The reception was a blast: open bar with beer, wine, mixed drinks; live Greek band; lots of Greek dancing, partying and having a good time. There was so much prep leading up to the wedding that I got behind my other work an

Troubleshooting a Dead GE Profile Refrigerator

If you're working on one of these GE Profile refrigerators with the knob controls in the fresh food compartment and it's DOA, this flowchart can help plan your attack: And here are the part links to the most likely parts you'll need: Encoder Board: click on picture Muthaboard: click on picture Sensor: click on picture

How to Changeout a Shaft and Mode Shifter Assembly on a GE Top Loading Washer

The shaft and mode shifter assembly is used on the GE "Hydrowave" line of top loading washers. These washers has the motor with the inverter board mounted on top of it. The inverter board has an LED that flashes on and off according to an error condition or standby that it's reporting. See the table below: As you can see above, if the LED on the perverter board is flashes in a sequence of four flashes, this indicates a problem with the mode shifter circuit or mechanism. More info on access

Appliantology Newsletter: Front Load Washer Washouts

Appliantology NewsletterFront Load Washer Washouts October 1, 2012Presents... The Wisdom of Master Samurai and Appliantologist, Miyamoto MushashiOne thing I've learned after years of being an appliance repair Samurai is how to pick your battles. You don't want to engage in hand-to-appliance combat with an appliance that's not worth repairing, such as with a front loading washer with a failure in either the inner basket or outer drum.An inner basket failure is a corroded or broken drum support s

How to Troubleshoot Any Appliance

I've heard a lot of appliance techs complain that the reason they can't fix more appliances on service calls is because they don't get enough training from their company or from the manufacturers. I'm here to tell you that you can get all the appliance training in the world and still be nothing more than a trained monkey unless you have one crucial skill: Troubleshooting. Troubleshooting is the higher mental function that separates the real technicians from the parts changing monkeys. A technici

Appliantology Newsletter: The Art of Troubleshooting

Appliantology NewsletterThe Art of Troubleshooting August 12, 2012The Appliantology AcademyPresents another award-winning issue of...The Ancient and Mystical Art of TroubleshootingA long, long time ago, people did things like read books instead of surfing the Internet or had thoughtful discussions about complicated topics instead of yelling political slogans and sound bites at each other. Most folks also had at least a conceptual understanding of the process of troubleshooting: the logical, ste

Appliantology Newsletter: Weird Washer Leaks

Appliantology NewsletterWeird Washer Leaks August 3, 2012 The Appliantology AcademyPresents another award-winning issue of... Brethren...... and I mean that in the most gender-inclusive way... Let us open our Appliantology Hymnals to the Seventh Law of the Prophecy, wherein it is written, on whatever they use to write prophecies with, that, "All leaks are visual." Yea verily, greater truth hath never been uttered. Can I hear an, "Amen?" Well, how about a "Hello, Newman?" This issue of the App

Appliantology Newsletter: Get the Apprentice Advantage!

Appliantology NewsletterGet the Apprentice Advantage! July 30, 2012 The Appliantology AcademyPresents another award-winning issue of... It's All You Can Eat... FREE!In our continuing efforts to enhance your experience in getting the expert appliantological wisdom you need to repair your appliances, we have made some improvements to the Appliantology Academy. With over 200,000 posts in the Appliantology repair forums, a quick search using the box in the upper right-hand corner of this page or u

Dragonfly Theatre on Mt. Ascutney

Check out the dragonflies swarming at Gus's Lookout on Mt. Ascutney as they snatch mosquitoes mercilessly from the sky keeping the trails safe for hikers.   <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/46163053" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>

How to Fix a Dead GE Advantium Microwave

A fantastic tech post from Brother in The Craft, binthere222: You can buy the replacement thermal cutoff fuse here ==> http://www.repairclinic.com/PartDetail/Thermal-Fuse/WB21X10046/769674 To learn more about your microwave or to order parts, click here. Source: Dead GE Advantium Microwave Solution, Thermal Cutoff Fuse

Appliantology Newsletter: Home on the Range

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