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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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Appliantology Newsletter, December 2011: Last-Minute Gift Ideas and Some Helpful Appliance Repair Tips

Appliantology Newsletter, December 2011: Last-Minute Gift Ideas and Some Helpful Appliance Repair Tips 1. Ultimate Appliance Gift Ideas 2. Snowblower Repair 3. Recent Appliance Repair Tips at Fixitnow.com 4. Share the Love! ### ### ### ### 1. Ultimate Appliance Gift Ideas Panicking over last-minute holiday shopping? Never fear! We've got ideas for ya. Of course, one of the best gifts would be to finally repair that nagging problem on your [fill in troublemaking appliance here], and you know

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Appliantology Newsletter: Weird Washer Leaks

Appliantology NewsletterWeird Washer Leaks August 3, 2012 The Appliantology AcademyPresents another award-winning issue of... Brethren...... and I mean that in the most gender-inclusive way... Let us open our Appliantology Hymnals to the Seventh Law of the Prophecy, wherein it is written, on whatever they use to write prophecies with, that, "All leaks are visual." Yea verily, greater truth hath never been uttered. Can I hear an, "Amen?" Well, how about a "Hello, Newman?" This issue of the App

Solar-Powered Snowblower Service call on Mt. Cardigan

"Can you fly, Bobby?" by Zenzoidman, on Flickr Got called out to Mt. Cardigan for a service call on a solar-powered snowblower. Oh yeah, you betcha: the Samurai stays on the bleeding edge of technology and is experienced in repairing solar-powered appliances, too. Appliantology.org: The Samurai Appliance Repair Academy -- your one stop for ALL your appliance repair needs. Wrong Address? by Zenzoidman, on Flickr I thought this was the place but it's all boarded up. My GPS musta given me bum

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Appliantology Newsletter: The Art of Troubleshooting

Appliantology NewsletterThe Art of Troubleshooting August 12, 2012The Appliantology AcademyPresents another award-winning issue of...The Ancient and Mystical Art of TroubleshootingA long, long time ago, people did things like read books instead of surfing the Internet or had thoughtful discussions about complicated topics instead of yelling political slogans and sound bites at each other. Most folks also had at least a conceptual understanding of the process of troubleshooting: the logical, ste

Master Appliance Repair at the Samurai Tech Academy

Things are hopping at the Samurai Tech Academy as we now have a steady stream of students, and quite a few enthusiastic graduates already. Here's a new presentation video for the Samurai Tech Academy that we created for the Sample Course page at the Academy site to introduce the course to prospective students. My two sons, Stephen and Sam, put together the presentation and wrote the script and I'm the big-mouth talking it through. Check it out! This Christmas, give the gift of learning to some

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Complete maintenance and tuneup kit for a Kenmore-Frigidaire dryer

Getting sick of all that thumpin', bumpin', rattlin', and moanin' going on inside that dryer when you run it? For just a few bucks and little bit of handiwork, you can make that dryer purr like a brand new one! You'll save money on your electric bill, too because the dryer will run more efficiently. Here's the link to the maintenance kit ==> http://www.repaircli...er=417.79042990 And here's how to install it: Source: Kenmore Gas Dryer Thermal Fuse 417.79042990

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Appliantology Newsletter: Front Load Washer Washouts

Appliantology NewsletterFront Load Washer Washouts October 1, 2012Presents... The Wisdom of Master Samurai and Appliantologist, Miyamoto MushashiOne thing I've learned after years of being an appliance repair Samurai is how to pick your battles. You don't want to engage in hand-to-appliance combat with an appliance that's not worth repairing, such as with a front loading washer with a failure in either the inner basket or outer drum.An inner basket failure is a corroded or broken drum support s

Schematic Diagrams, Timing Charts, and Open Neutrals

Here's an excerpt of a 20-minute training video now available in the Fundamentals of Appliance Repair training course on how to use the schematic diagram and timing chart to troubleshoot a problem with a washer drain pump that would not operate. The drain pump itself was good and getting voltage. Turns out that the problem was an open neutral. The full training video explains these important troubleshooting concepts in detail: - how to break down a complicated schematic and read it to solve th

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Return policy on appliance parts purchased through this site: 365 Days. Period.™

No harm in buying and trying! Electrical parts? Out of stock parts? No problem! Get a free replacement or your money back if you return a part within one full year. This is the best return policy in the industry and applies to all parts purchased through any of the Repairclinic banners and links at all Samurai appliance repair websites: www.appliantology.org, www.fixitnow.com, www.applianceguru.com, and fixitnow.posterous.com.
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