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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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Affirmations for Effective Appliance Repair

Running an appliance repair bidness is hard work and can be pretty demoralizing at times. I've collected these affirmations over the 20 years of running my appliance repair bidness to keep me focused and top of my game. They've been a tremendous source of inspiration and spiritual strength for me and I'm sharing them with you in the hopes that you will benefit, too. Peace, love, and harmony, yo. ● As I let go of my shoulds and feelings of guilt, I can get in touch with my Inner Sociopath.

Stinky, smelly washing machine? This is almost always a detergent problem!

It's funny how people will plunk down big $$ for these high efficiency (HE) washing machines and then try to save pennies by using cheap detergent. I've written about the follies of the Great Unwashed here. Now, to help put an even finer point on it, Brother John63 delivers today's guest sermon on detergents in today's HE washing machines: Source: Bosch Washer. Mold on door seal If your washing machine is already stunk up because of your detergent illiteracy, I have some de-stinkifying remedie

Troubleshooting a Dead GE Profile Refrigerator

If you're working on one of these GE Profile refrigerators with the knob controls in the fresh food compartment and it's DOA, this flowchart can help plan your attack: And here are the part links to the most likely parts you'll need: Encoder Board: click on picture Muthaboard: click on picture Sensor: click on picture

How to Pick the Best Appliance Repair School

Training is THE hot topic in the appliance repair trade these days. Experienced techs want to up their troubleshooting game and keep up with the newer models, and many new folks are looking for training in a skilled trade so they can get a job or start a business. Manufacturers and multi-truck operations have an ongoing virtual manhunt for skilled appliance repair techs. But they just don't exist because new technicians are not entering the trade at the same rate as old servicers are retiring. [

Understanding the Neutral Drain Function in a Whirlpool Direct-Drive Washer Transmission

The neutral drain in the Whirlpool direct-drive washer puts the transmission into neutral while the tub is draining. The purpose is to save wear and tear on the clutch, drive coupler, and motor. While it's function and operation are simple and easy to understand, it can still be confusing for folks. Chief Master Appliantologist DADoESTX offers one of the simplest and clearest explanations of the neutral drain function that I've ever read: Source: Whirlpool WTW5505SQ1

Appliantology Newsletter: Special Weapons and Tactics in Appliance Repair

Appliantology NewsletterSpecial Weapons and Tactics in Appliance Repair October 19, 2012 Presents Special Weapons and Tactics in Appliance RepairAll Master Appliantologists acquire advanced repair katas during their years of hand-to-machine combat with malfunctioning appliances. Examples of how some of these Special Weapons and Tactics are used in appliance repair include:- diagnosing elusive or subtle problems- gaining insight into the condition of a component and assessing its likelihood of

Samurai Tech Academy Certification: A Standard of Excellence

Being a “Certified Appliance Repair Technician” sounds impressive and can open doors with employers and customers. But when people look into where your certification came from, will it pass scrutiny? Read on as we explain how to evaluate the merit of Samurai Tech Academy certification: http://mastersamuraitech.com/samurai-tech-academy-certification-standard-excellence/
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