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Trick for solving no-drain problems on Frigidaire / Kenmore top-load washers

You'll find these Frikkidaire top loaders either as stand-alone units or as part of a stack. If it's disguised as a Kenmore, it'll have a 417 prefix in the model number. Okay, so you're working one of these cheesy washers and it's not draining. You check the obvious thing: the drain pump is clear, getting 120vac and running during the drain cycle but still no drain. What else could it be? Academy Fellow and Professor Emeritus of Laundry Appliantology nickfixit shares with us his hard-won p

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Guided Tour of the Samurai Tech Academy Campus

Join Samurai Appliance Repair Man on a personal guided tour of the Samurai Tech Academy campus. I'll show you the answers to common questions that people have when they call or email us: - What courses do you offer? - What kind of things do you teach in the courses? - How much are the courses? - Do you teach how to read schematics? - Do you teach about the new, electronic appliances? - Do you teach how to run an appliance repair business? - Do you have any discounts? - There's so much stuff at t

Whirlpool Vertical Modular Washer (VMW) Training Manual

File Name: Whirlpool Vertical Modular Washer (VMW) Training Manual File Submitter: Samurai Appliance Repair Man File Submitted: 03 Jan 2012 File Category: Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper Job Aid W10329932 Covers models: MVWC400XW MVWX500XW MVWX550XW MVWX600XW MVWX700XW WTW4950XW WTW5500XW WTW5550XW WTW5600XW WTW5700XW Click here to download this file Source: New Appliance Service Manual added: Whirlpool Vertical Modular Washer (VMW) Training Manual

Money-Saving Tip for Replacing a Motor in a GE Dryer

Some models of GE dryers are actually made my Frigidaire... or they at least use Frigidaire parts. One example is the GE DSXH43EA3WW dryer. If you have one of these with a bad motor, here's a tip that could save you a couple of of Benjamins: use the Frigidaire part number instead of the GE part. Grand Master Reginald explains: Source: GE Dryer: model# DSXH43EA3WW, Starts but won't stay running.

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Kenmore HE5t washer with error code F71 and won't run

Common manifestation of this problem: no lights on the control panel and when you press the power button, you just get three or four quick beeps. Do the test on this page. If unplugging the blue harness from the MCU results in the control panel lighting up normally like the machine wants to run (but can't because the blue wire is unplugged from the MCU), then... Source: Kenmore HE5t F71 error code and won't run

The consequences of using non-HE detergent in an LG washer

Today's riddle: Q: Why would someone spend $1,000 or more on a shiny new LG front load washer and then try to save a few shekels by using non-HE (high efficiency) detergent (in contradiction to the explicit warning in the owner's manual)? A: Because they're penny-wise and dollar-dumb. So what are the consequences of using non-HE detergent in any front load washer? You mean besides voiding your warranty? Well, let's see, there's all kinda mechanical problems that you're gonna induce into the

Tip for Testing the Door Switches in a Microwave Oven

Most microwave ovens have three safety microswitches in the door latch assembly. The diagram below is typical: These microswitches aren't the most robust switches ever made and can be down right squirrely. They may test good one minute and then look bad the next. When a switch looks flakey like that, trust your meter and just replace it. Chief jumptrout's experience with this is typical: Source: Weird microswitch

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

A Master Samurai Tech Presentation: Troubleshooting Appliances using Ohm’s Law and Schematic Analysis

A Master Samurai Tech Presentation: Troubleshooting Appliances using Ohm's Law and Schematic Analysis Learn from the Samurai and become a troubleshooting master! In this action-packed, riveting, 30-minute, recording of a live webinar, Samurai Appliance Repair Man explains: Ohm's Law: what it is and how it's used Understanding power and work in electric circuits Applying Ohm's Law to real-world troubleshooting situations Schematic analysis of real schematics using Ohm's Law and series circ

How to fix a Subzero 550 that repeatedly freezes up the defrost condensate drain

Now, here's the kick in the pants: thanks to SZ, you can no longer buy the floor heater thru the link above-- it's left there because at the time of the original post you could and it shows you a photo of the kit. SZ decided they wanted to keep those parts profits in house so you have to buy it thru either SZ or one of their beeotches. Source: Subzero Mod 550, defrost drain iced up

Frigidaire FEZ831AS1 stack laundry unit: washer has no brakes, tub free-spins; doesn't agitate clothes

Example model number: FEZ831AS1 The most annoying part of this problem is that as it agitates, the agitator goes one direction and the basket spins the other. So the clothes never agitate they just spin with the basket. Makes you think the basket brake is broken. Except there's one problem, Sublime Master appl.tech.2901 explains... Parts links for... - tub seal - transmission Source: Frigidaire FEZ831AS1 stack laundry: washer has no brakes!

Replacing the Recirculation Hose in a Whirlpool Calypso Washer

If you need to replace the recirculation hose (recirculates water inside the tub) in a Whirlpool Coll-apso washer, you'll be relieved to know that you don't have to remove the inner basket to do so. This page from the service manual shows where the location of the recirc hose and explains its function: http://appliantology.org/files/file/492-recirculation-and-drain-in-a-whirlpool-calypso-washer/ And Chief Master Appliantologist DADoESTX explains the technique: Here's the part link to the repla

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

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