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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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Fixitnow.com Radio: The Whole Sick Social Web Trip

Listen in on Samurai Appliance Repair Man and Mrs. Samurai having an honest discussion on the pros and cons of using social media, like Facebook and Twitter, as a venue for promoting a business. How useful is social media for communicating with existing customers or users and how effective is it for reaching out to new people? (show duration: 10 minutes) http://fixitnow.com/wp/2012/03/27/fixitnow-com-radio-the-whole-sick-social-web-trip/ (I tried to post the audio player here but the forum sof

Testing a Microwave High-Voltage Rectifier

When you're troubleshooting a no-heat complaint in a microwave, one of the components you may need to check is the high-voltage rectifier (called a "rectumflyer" in the trade. ) Trouble is, the junction resistance on these rectumfliers is so high that doing a standard forward and reverse bias test with an ohm meter won't tell you anything because it'll just read open in both directions. This video shows an easy method for testing these special critters: <div align="center"><iframe wid

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Winter Wonderland Hike up the Ammonusuc Trail

Celebrated the Second Day of Christmas with an awesome winter wonderland hike up the Ammonusuc Trail to the AMC Lakes of the Clouds hut. Didn't take the Oz Man this time because I didn't think this trail and conditions would be dog-friendly. Turned out to be the right choice-- would have had to abort mission if the Oz Man was with me, no way he could've made this. Trail conditions were snow on top of ice-- combined with the steep grades, this is one of the most difficult traction conditions y

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Finding Your Appliance Repair Answers Here at Appliantology

You've got appliance repair questions, we've got answers. Hundreds of thousands of 'em on all brands and models of major appliances: washers, refrigerators, dryers, dishwashers, ice makers, ovens, ranges, and cooktops. They're all right here at the Samurai Appliance Repair Academy just waiting for you to discover them! Join Samurai Appliance Repair Man as he takes you by the hand and gently walks you through the powerful search features available to you here at the Academy to empower you to fin

How to use the schematic to select and locate your test points on the appliance

This video shows the essential skill that all competent appliance repair techs should have: using the schematic to identify and locate your physical test points on an appliance. This process goes on both inside our heads and with our hands. This is the high skill, high dollar part of our job and it's what distinguishes real technicians from parts changing monkeys. We're using the example of a dual fuel range but this essential skill applies to any appliance. Learn appliance repair

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man in Tech Talk

Master Samurai Tech Radio, Episode 8

Industry News: an interesting twist in the legal drama surrounding the GE-Electrolux merger. GE’s biggest laundry product launch in 20 years: yet another top-loader? Future tech: are ultrasonic dryers on the horizon?   Appliantology News: Traipsing through the various incarnations of the Samurai’s online appliance repair forums and groups (first one on the internet in 1997!) right up through the present incarnation as Appliantology.org. Discussion of the various membership groups at Appliantolog

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Locating a leak source in a Whirlpool direct-drive washer

This customer called in saying his washer was leaking but it was from somewhere up top. He had even put the washer on blocks and knew for sure that the leak was not from the bottom. This service call is a great illustration of the Golden Rule of Appliance Repair: Never, ever trust customer diagnostics. This customer has a PhD in mechanical engineering. If you were ever going to trust customer diagnostics, this may have been one of those times. Watch as I show the customer that the leak originate

Webinar Recap: May 23, 2016 Web Meeting

Fantastic web meeting last night with many assembled Brethren! This was one of the weekly web meetings that we have every Monday evening for Professional Appliantologists and Mast Samurai Tech Academy students.  Personally, I think it was the best one yet-- lots of interactivity and discussion about all kinds of different appliance repair topics.  It was a especially great because we had the audio under control so other people besides just me were able to talk. Mrs. Samurai even joined in t

Appliance Techs or Computer Techs?

Appliance techs servicing today's modern computer-controlled appliances need both analog and digital skills to be effective. This is exactly why we teach these skills at the Samurai Tech Academy. More and more people are realizing this, too. Here's an industry leader who agrees! http://mastr.tech/1MfkcCt

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

How to Troubleshoot Appliance Electronic Control Boards

A Master Samurai Tech Presentation: Troubleshooting Appliance Electronic Control Boards Learn from the Samurai and become a troubleshooting master! Using a Whirlpool dishwasher as a case study, the Samurai explains each step in the process of troubleshooting electronic control boards in appliances, revealing the schematic mysteries to all who want to learn. In this 38-minute video, you will learn: Basic troubleshooting techniques with broad applications to all appliances How to use tech s

Using Jing to Make Screen Shots and Post them at the Appliantology Forums

Here's a screencast I made showing how to use Jing to clip an image, upload it to the Gallery at the Appliantology Academy and then post that image in a topic in the forums. <iframe width=652 height=533 frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="http://www.screencast-o-matic.com/embed?sc=cleY1YBmm&w=650&v=3"></iframe> (If the screencast won't play, you need to update the Java version on your computer.)

Stinky, smelly washing machine? This is almost always a detergent problem!

It's funny how people will plunk down big $$ for these high efficiency (HE) washing machines and then try to save pennies by using cheap detergent. I've written about the follies of the Great Unwashed here. Now, to help put an even finer point on it, Brother John63 delivers today's guest sermon on detergents in today's HE washing machines: Source: Bosch Washer. Mold on door seal If your washing machine is already stunk up because of your detergent illiteracy, I have some de-stinkifying remedie

Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Updates

Feel like a mushroom (kept in the dark and fed bovine excrement... or worse!) when it comes to news about the radiation dangers from the Fukushima meltdowns? Well, the Samurai's doing an end-run around the corporate media spin meisters and info-blockaders! I'm frequently updating my Evernote notebook on the Fukushima nuclear disaster with hand-picked news from alternative news sources that I have used for a long time and have proven to be trustworthy. No corporate media spin! Book mark this

Maintenance Kit for the Newer-Style Frigidaire-built Dryer (also sold under the GE brand)

One of the little secrets in the appliance manufacturing world is that the manufacturers will often build appliances for each other. One example of this is certain models of GE dryers are actually built by Frigidaire but sold under the GE label. There are two maintenance kits out there for Frigidaire-built dryers: - part number 5304461262 for the older-style units and - part number 5304457724 for the newer-style units. What's the difference? Click each of the links and above and carefully examin

How to install a new water inlet valve in a Bosch WFMC front-loading washer

- unplug washer - turn off water supply at shut off valve on the wall - unscrew the water fill hoses from the washer - remove three torx screws in the back of the top panel - panel pull back and lifts off - water inlet valve is right there, remove obvious screws and wire harnesses and install the new valve Cold water valve: Click image to purchase. Hot water valve: Click image to purchase Source: Bosch WFMC3200UC Washing Machine
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