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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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How to disassemble the CustomCool compartment in a GE Profile or Arctica refrigerator

The CustomCool is a gimmicky marketing name that GE came up with for what is basically a souped-up crisper drawer in the refrigerator. The drawer has been outfitted with a system of dampers, a fan, a temperature thermistor and a heater. Depending on the function selected on the CustomCool settings in the controls at the top of the refrigerator, a combination of these components can be used to theoretically chill items quickly, thaw items or hold the drawer pan at a specific temperature.

How to disassemble an LG dryer to remove a sock or something stuck in the blower

Dryer powers up, you select a cycle and push start and the dryer hums for a coupla seconds and then goes quiet for a while. This usually indicates something is blocking the drum from rotating. A sock stuck in the blower would do it. A quick test to see if you have a drum blockage problem is to simply open the door and try to turn the drum by hand. If you can't turn the drum manually, ain't no way that dinky motor in there is gonna turn it, ether! Can I hear an, "A-freakin-men?" If you need

How to determine if the transmission is bad in a Kenmore-Frigidaire top loading washer

This machine could be a stand-alone washer or part of a stack unit, doesn't matter 'cuz it's the same washer. If it has a Kenmore label on it, the model number prefix will be 417. A common symptom of a bad transmission is that it won't agitate. Still spins and drains, motor runs, the agitator just won't move during the agitate cycle. Grand Master kdog gives us the Quick n Dirty™ for checking the transmssion: And if the transmission turns out the be bad, here's your shopping list (click the

How to Decipher Schematics like a Pro!

In this journey to Total Appliance Enlightenment™ in a Live Dojo workshop, we worked on a real-world problem on a Kitchenaid refrigerator posted at Appliantology. We were interested in how the defrost timer motor gets Line and Neutral in both defrost and run modes. Turns out that doing so required that we also understand the rest of the circuit, including the dumbed "PC board". But how do we do that? That's exactly what we show you in this workshop recording!  In this short little half hour

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man in Tech Talk

How to clear an error code in a Samsung washer display

Of course, if you haven't corrected the problem, it'll just come right back, but this is good information to know while troubleshooting an elusive problem. Buy parts for your Samsung washer with a 365-day return policy here ==> http://www.repairclinic.com/Samsung-Washing-Machine-Parts Source: Samsung WF328aaw-02 - Keep Losing Main PCB - OE Error

How to Changeout a Shaft and Mode Shifter Assembly on a GE Top Loading Washer

The shaft and mode shifter assembly is used on the GE "Hydrowave" line of top loading washers. These washers has the motor with the inverter board mounted on top of it. The inverter board has an LED that flashes on and off according to an error condition or standby that it's reporting. See the table below: As you can see above, if the LED on the perverter board is flashes in a sequence of four flashes, this indicates a problem with the mode shifter circuit or mechanism. More info on access
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