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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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Flume and Liberty Loop with The Oz Man

Hiked the Mts. Flume and Liberty loop with The Oz Man yesterday. Went up via the Flume Slide. That was a kick in the pants! Very steep, wet, slippery, lots of loose skree, had to help The Oz Man up ledges several times. We were both hurtin' units when we got to the top of Mt. Flume. But, WOW, what a gorgeous bluebird day! I saw that blue sky and those forever views and forgot about all the pain and fatigue. I tried to capture the essence of the hike in this video. Enjoy!    <iframe src="http:

New Personal Hygiene Appliance for Future Appliance Repairs

You old timers remember back in the day when we used to get service calls on scrotum scrubbers? Yeah, I was really glad when people stopped using those. Well, just when you thought the bad old days were gone for good, get ready, guys, because there's a new, even more disgusting personal hygiene appliance coming to the market that we'll be getting calls on: the butt wiper. Coming to a neighborhood near you:   

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Hillstomping Update: Mt. Sava with the Oz Man, 3/15/2011

Up the Ammonusuc Trail and down the Jewell Trail. Amazing conditions for these last few days of winter: snow was still stiff, consolidated and buoyant, warm temps (around 0F with wind chill), and full on sunshine on this bluebird day. Lots of other hikers out, too-- look for 'em in the slideshow, best viewed in full-screen mode with your volume turned up so you can groove on the soundtrack.

Appliantology's Best Kept Secret: the Webinar Recordings Index Page

Y’all gather ‘round and ol’ Samurai’s gonna tell you about the best kept secret at Appliantology.  You know the Samurai does periodic webinars on a wide range of appliance repair topics.  At the webinars, we talk about all kinda cool techie topics like basic electric circuits, troubleshooting strategies and tactics, reading schematics, computer control and digital communications in appliances, electric motor operation, gas flame sensing and reignition technologies, and more. Over 30 ho

Appliantology Newsletter: The Art of Troubleshooting

Appliantology NewsletterThe Art of Troubleshooting August 12, 2012The Appliantology AcademyPresents another award-winning issue of...The Ancient and Mystical Art of TroubleshootingA long, long time ago, people did things like read books instead of surfing the Internet or had thoughtful discussions about complicated topics instead of yelling political slogans and sound bites at each other. Most folks also had at least a conceptual understanding of the process of troubleshooting: the logical, ste

Frigidaire FEZ831AS1 stack laundry unit: washer has no brakes, tub free-spins; doesn't agitate clothes

Example model number: FEZ831AS1 The most annoying part of this problem is that as it agitates, the agitator goes one direction and the basket spins the other. So the clothes never agitate they just spin with the basket. Makes you think the basket brake is broken. Except there's one problem, Sublime Master appl.tech.2901 explains... Parts links for... - tub seal - transmission Source: Frigidaire FEZ831AS1 stack laundry: washer has no brakes!

Meet The Appliance Guru

Howdy!  Let us introduce ourselves to you...   <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/41675452" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> In the New London, NH, area, call for service:  526-7129

Early Spring Hillstomp up Smarts Mountain

Yep, that old saw, Smarts Mountain, the same mountain with the odd pygmy people. No sign of them on this hike. Winters can be harsh up here so maybe they finally had to leave. But there were other signs of life and some decent views. Smarts Mountain Hike by Zenzoidman, on Flickr Smarts Mountain Hike by Zenzoidman, on Flickr Smarts Mountain Hike by Zenzoidman, on Flickr Smarts Mountain Hike by Zenzoidman, on Flickr Smarts Mountain Hike by Zenzoidman, on Flickr Smarts Mountain Hike by Z

Share the Gospel of Appliantology, change the world, and retire early!

Everyone with an IQ above room temperature knows that Social Security is bankrupt (think Detroit on steroids)-- if you're under 50 years old, you're gonna get stiffed and it ain't gonna be there for you. The Samurai, who is omnipresent everywhere, who is omniscient and he knows it, who is ever on the look out for his fellow carbon units and cold beer, didst beat his breast and rend his garments and gnash his teeth until he came up with the perfect FREE solution to secure domestic tranquility and

Appliantology Newsletter, Winter 2011

Appliantology Newsletter, Winter 2011 0. Introduction 1. It's the exciting dishwasher issue! 2. Uncommonly delicious parts return policy 3. New merit apprenticeship program 4. Samurai News® 5. Mrs. Samurai's dojo 6. Story time 7. Hillstomping update 8. Domo! ### ### ### ### 0. Introduction From deep within the bowels of frozen Yankeeland, in the foothills of the White Mountains and finally dug out from under 13 feet of fresh, pristine global warming, it's another steamy issue of Appliantology.

How to build your own custom library of tech documents on a Kindle Fire, iPad, or other tablet in 4 easy steps!

Having the right technical document with you on a service call and knowing how to use it are the two key ingredients to getting an appliance properly diagnosed and repaired. Does that mean that you should try to find a mobile device that is already pre-loaded with appliance repair technical documents? There are several downsides to this approach, including the fact that you don’t know how current or relevant the pre-loaded docs are. Instead, you can easily create your own information arsenal usi

Master Samurai Tech Radio, Episode 12 [Special Video Edition]

Industry Talk: - BSH- what's the "H" stand for? - Charge your smart phone from your refrigerator *wirelessly* with WattUp technology.   Master Samurai Tech news: - New post on how loose electrical connections, like splices and terminals, can produce enough heat to burn wires and insulation. http://mastersamuraitech.com/loose-electrical-connections-and-heat/ - Recapping the dismal and outdated state of appliance repair training today. YouTube makes hands-on disassembly training obsolete. What we
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