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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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Hillstomping Update: Mt. Moosilaukee Moonwalk

Gorgeous hike with the Oz Man up Mt. Moosilaukee. Up and back via the Glen Cliff Trail. Only saw one other pair of hikers today and they turned back before reaching the summit. Too bad because it was one of those days on the summit that was so beautiful it was surreal. Turn your speakers up and check out the slideshow. Best viewed in full screen mode. Enjoy! <img src="http://cdn-3-service.phanfare.com/images/external/4169021_5041669_123400833_WebSmall_3/0_0_dba7a19992c27632fff86eac43c

Huge discount on Professional Appliantologist membership for students at the Samurai Tech Academy

As if lifetime access to all the comprehensive training packed into the courses at the Samurai Tech Academy wasn't enough of a benefit, we've gone one better and turned it up to 11! Now, students enrolled in any course at the Samurai Tech Academy get a huge discount on the Professional Appliantologist membership fee here at Appliantology. Get the scoop here.

Interview with The Appliance Guru in New London, New Hampshire

The Appliance Guru offers expert appliance repair service in New London, New Hampshire, and surrounding towns.  Listen to this short interview with The Appliance Guru to learn how he can solve all your appliance repair problems!   <iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="http://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F45285744&show_artwork=true"></iframe>

Master Samurai Tech Radio Episode 6

In this life-changing episode of Master Samurai Tech Radio, Samurai and the Mrs. talk about all kinds of things appliantological.   Due to the overwhelming response we've gotten the last few days, we've extended our Labor Day tuition discount on all courses and bundles at the Samurai Tech Academy thru Sunday, 9/13! Coupon code: LABORDAY2015. Enroll here: http://mastersamuraitech.com/online-enrollment/   Industry News: we talk about the international appliance brand Beko - number one in the UK -

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Happy Orthodox Easter! Christ is Risen!

Today, Orthodox Christians around the world (myself included) celebrate Orthodox Easter (also called Pascha in many traditions). This year was a big offset from Western Easter because of the difference between the Gregorian Calendar used in the West and the Julian Calendar used by Orthodox Christians for calculating the date of Easter. Although the dates are different, it's the same celebration.  The traditional greeting used by the Orthodox during the Paschal Season (from Easter to Penteco

The DADoESTX Method for checking the agitator dogs in a Whirlpool direct-drive washer

Chief DADoESTX instructs us on how to check the agitator dogs (or "dawgs" as we say at UGA) to make sure they're grabbing when they're supposed to... Part link to the agitor dawg repair kit ==> http://www.repairclinic.com/PartDetail/Agitator-Repair-Kit/285811/2744?modelNumber=LSR5233AW0 Source: My Whirlpool LSR5233AWO washer, agitator spins freely clockwise after replacing clutch dogs

Fixing a Whirlpool Duet Sport Washer that Won't Drain

This client called in with a complaint that his Whirlpool Duet Sport washer, WFW9150, was full of water and would not pump out. He was also getting the F9 E1 error code which corresponds to this problem. About 72.4% of problems are caused by something stuck in the pump, jamming the impeller. About 27.3% of these problems are caused a bad pump. The remaining 0.3% of these problems are caused by the pump not getting voltage which could be a bad wire connection or bad controller. Watch with befuddl

Appliantology Newsletter, Early March 2012

Appliantology Newsletter, Early March 2012 0. Introduction 1. Appliantology Chat Room Now Open to All Members 2. Private Appliance Repair Tutoring is Here! 3. Appliance Tips 4. Mrs. Samurai's Kitchen 0. Introduction Blowing in from the Great White North Woods of New Hampshire like an Arctic Clipper on crack, it's another chill issue Appliantology. Movin' on... 1. Appliantology Chat Room Now Open to All Members Ya sure, ya betcha! All members of the Appliantology Academy, faculty, staff, and s

Outage Fever

Been having brief but increasing frequent bouts of outages. This is especially annoying because I'm paying for premium hosting for this forum for the specific purpose of ensuring reliable uptime. Oh, the bitter disappointment! I'll keep limping along and complaining about this to Invision Power Board... for a while. If it keeps up, I'll just give up and revert back to the old forum. I think it was Sublime Master BrntToast who prophetically cautioned about this move, "If it ain't broke, d

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Webinar Recording: Appliance Service Call Structure and Troubleshooting Strategies

Great turn out for this webinar-- had over 30 people on! That means there are lots of techs who recognize the need for help with these skills. This is good because they can be easily learned by anyone who wants to learn them! This webinar lays out a road map for you to declare your independence from tech lines. Professional Appliantologist members may watch the webinar recording here: Appliance Service Call Structure and Troubleshooting Strategies Master Samurai Tech Academy students m

More Downtime Today

Yet more downtime today on the server that runs this site. That makes the 8th time this week alone for over an hour and half of downtime. My host tells me that the server running my site has been the victim of several denial of service attacks. Must be another site on this server that draws all the hostiles like flies to a turd. Well, that turd is stinking me out! My host has offered to move me to another server which I eagerly accepted. The move will happen sometime in the next 24 hours,

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Mt. Tecumseh with My Boyz

All work and no play and make for a dull, burned out Samurai!  Since it was such a fine Navy day today, I took the day off and went hiking up Mt. Tecumseh with my boyz: my sons, Stephen and Sam, and our German Shepherd hiking partner, Ozzy.  Mt. Tecumseh is one of the 48, New Hampshire 4,000 footers that Stephen and Sam are working on completing.  Nothing like a serendipitous hike in the mountains to clear the head and recharge the batteries!   <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/44073

Learn Appliance Repair Online at the Samurai Tech Academy - Limited Time Tuition Discount!

Learn appliance repair at the best online appliance repair school on the web! Act now to take advantage of this limited-time offer for a 14% tuition discount. Offer ends July 11, 2015. Use the coupon code FREEDOM14 on the Enroll page: http://mastersamuraitech.com/online-enrollment/ Check out all our appliance repair training courses here: http://mastersamuraitech.com/appliance-repair-courses/ http://mastersamuraitech.com/

Appliantology Newsletter, December 2011: Last-Minute Gift Ideas and Some Helpful Appliance Repair Tips

Appliantology Newsletter, December 2011: Last-Minute Gift Ideas and Some Helpful Appliance Repair Tips 1. Ultimate Appliance Gift Ideas 2. Snowblower Repair 3. Recent Appliance Repair Tips at Fixitnow.com 4. Share the Love! ### ### ### ### 1. Ultimate Appliance Gift Ideas Panicking over last-minute holiday shopping? Never fear! We've got ideas for ya. Of course, one of the best gifts would be to finally repair that nagging problem on your [fill in troublemaking appliance here], and you know

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

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