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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Fixing a Frigidaire Front-Load Washer that Won't Spin

This client contacted me via email at 9pm using the Service Call Request form at my website, http://applianceguru.com and I was there the next day to repair the no-spin problem with her washer. In this video, I explain a couple of short cut techniques for diagnosing a bad door latch assembly in this washer. I had a replacement door latch assembly on my service vehicle and got her fixed up in one trip. That's SOP for The Appliance Guru! Here's the part link to the replacement door latch assembl

Finding Your Appliance Repair Answers Here at Appliantology

You've got appliance repair questions, we've got answers. Hundreds of thousands of 'em on all brands and models of major appliances: washers, refrigerators, dryers, dishwashers, ice makers, ovens, ranges, and cooktops. They're all right here at the Samurai Appliance Repair Academy just waiting for you to discover them! Join Samurai Appliance Repair Man as he takes you by the hand and gently walks you through the powerful search features available to you here at the Academy to empower you to fin

Finding service manuals for Kenmore model numbers in the Downloads section of Appliantology

Here's a quick tip for finding service manuals for Kenmore model numbers in the Downloads section here at Appliantology.  Let's say you have a Kenmore model number like 796.31512210. The site search doesn't play nice with special characters like the "." in the model number. Easy workaround: Use the search wild card character, "*" to replace the model number prefix including the "." like ahso: *31512210 Copy and paste that search term into the search bar at the top of the

Field repairs on electronic control boards: the new PCM frontier

I used to do board level repairs on state of the art computer controlled radar systems where there was real troubleshooting involved with signal generators, digital probes, oscilloscopes, and a fully stocked bench. Yes, you had to understand how electronics circuits work and how to read electronic schematics. I did this all day long for several years in the Navy and with Delta Air Lines. And by the way, almost all the electronic failures in these units were completely invisible— you had to find

Feliz Navidad from the Master Appliantologists at www.Appliantology.org!

Here, now, for the first time on film, is the elite Dancing Corps of the Samurai Appliance Repair Academy. The Dancing Corps members are just a few of the actual, real-life Master Appliantologists you'll meet here at Appliantology.org helping you fix your broken appliances. They've worked and trained countless hundreds of hours of their own time to bring you this traditional Christmas greeting dance. The composition of the Corps varies from year to year; the 2011 Appliantology Dance Corps mem

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Everything you ever wanted to know about those new Evernote enex ZIP files in the Downloads section

You may have noticed the recent files added to the Downloads section of the site have a funny ending not seen here before: Evernote enex ZIP. There's a not very long and maybe less interesting story about these files. I'll also tell you how to use them. Periodically, I run across paper service bulletins (actual paper! I mean who does that?) that are worth storing for later retrieval. A great source of these is the MSA World magazine where they include lots of manufacturer service bulletins in th

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Every day should be a day of thanksgiving

It's interesting how just finding the little things to be thankful for each day can transform our outlook and affect everything about us-- our mood, attitude, memory, even our health. Sometimes, I lose sight of that in my day-to-day struggles and get bogged down in tedious things or things that are not uplifting or beneficial. Or I focus and dwell on things that give me tension or irritation. That's why I'm glad there's a special day just for giving thanks-- it's a reminder that everyday shoul

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Entering Program Mode and Running the Test Program in a Bosch Dishwasher

This short little video shows you how to enter program mode in Bosch SHE SHU model dishwashers. You'll want to enter program mode to retrieve error codes, which can help inform your troubleshooting strategy. You can also run the test program, which is helpful in diagnosing individual loads in the dishwasher.  One of the many benefits of Professional Appliantologist membership at Appliantology is hi-speed, unlimited service manuals and tech sheet downloads at Appliantology.org. Included with

Early Spring Hillstomp up Smarts Mountain

Yep, that old saw, Smarts Mountain, the same mountain with the odd pygmy people. No sign of them on this hike. Winters can be harsh up here so maybe they finally had to leave. But there were other signs of life and some decent views. Smarts Mountain Hike by Zenzoidman, on Flickr Smarts Mountain Hike by Zenzoidman, on Flickr Smarts Mountain Hike by Zenzoidman, on Flickr Smarts Mountain Hike by Zenzoidman, on Flickr Smarts Mountain Hike by Zenzoidman, on Flickr Smarts Mountain Hike by Z
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