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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Old Skool washing machine motors: a quick, simple explanation of how they work

The Old Skool washing machine motors that we all know and love are the big, honkin', clunky motors in all the older model top loading washing machines. They are controlled with simple mechanical timers and switches. Depending on which contacts are made on the timer, the direction of rotation can be controlled. In order to have different speeds, the motor has to have different windings physically built into it at the time of manufacture and then the timer or selector switch can energize these

How to fix a GE PFSS6 or PFSF6 (made by Samsung) that won't make ice or has a noisy ice maker

Look at the blue tag on the bottom of the icemaker. If the date is prior to March 1, 2008, replace the icemaker ==> Icemaker Part Link Now go to the back of the fridge and open the metal cover to the muthaboard cubby and look at the software version to the left of the CPU; if it's less than 4.02, replace the muthaboard ==> Muthaboard Part Link Source: GE Profile refrig Model PFSS6PKXASS--wont make ice and change water filter light on

How to replace the chopper-mascerator blade in an LG Dishwasher

Many dishwashers have a part called the macerator or chopper to cut up larger chunks of food before sending the waster stream back to the wash impeller. These are not meant to function as a disposal but to protect the wash impeller from stray chunks of food that may be circulating in the dishwasher. The best way to prepare dishes for the dishwasher is to scrape off all the chunks with a fork and leave the rest. Don't pre-rinse because you'll just create a caustic slurry that will etch your gl

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Dryer Auto Dry cycle not working - a simple fix using the Dean's Method

Most dryers have an Auto Dry cycle where it sense the dryness of the clothes and adjusts the cycle time accordingly. Sometimes, clothes will stop drying properly on the Auto Dry cycle but still dry normally on the Timed Dry cycle. Brother john63, the Dean of LG Appliantology, has developed a simple procedure to correct this problem and it works on all brands and models of dryers with an Auto Dry feature. Source: Samsung Dryer DV350AEW/XAA auto dry not working

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

How to install the upper rack stops and rack rollers in a Whirlpool-KitchenAid dishwasher

Both the upper rack stop and roller assembly in the Whirpool-KitchenAid dishwashers are amazingly simple to install... IF you know the trick. Ain't that the way it always is in appliance repair: it's all a cake-walk IF you know what you're doing. And that's a big fat IF. Problem is that most people don't know what they don't know but they THINK they know it all. Case in pernt: Had a customer call me yesterday (Saturday) because the upper rack in their dishwasher came out. They insisted that I co

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

A Backdoor Test for the Mode Shifter in the Whirlpool VM Washers

These new Whirlpool vertical modular (VM) top-loading washers are pretty easy to troubleshoot, mostly because they practically troubleshoot themselves with fault/error code combinations that you can read in diagnostic mode. The mode shifter has turned out to be one of the common-fail parts on this washer and it's regular rolling inventory for me. Although the fault/error codes will point specifically to the mode shifter if there's a problem with it, there may be situations where you want to t

Understanding how the Water Level Sensor in LG Washing Machines work

Water level sensing in LG washers is done differently from how you may be used to seeing it done in other brands. Whirlpool, GE, Electrolux and others use an air tube connecting an air dome on the tub to a pressure sensor with a physical diaphragm or transducer that "feels" the water level increase as an increase in pressure inside the air tube. LG uses frequency measurements. How's that again? I'll let Brother john63, Dean of LG Appliantology explain: Source: LG PRESSURE SENSOR OPERATION

Applying Circuit Fu Katas on a Whirlpool Electric Dryer Schematic

In this video, I use an old skool Whirlpool electric dryer to demonstrate electric circuit troubleshooting and analysis techniques. This is the ancient art of Circuit Fu. Although this is a simple circuit by today's standards, the principles and techniques can be used on any circuit because electricity works the same way. When you know basic electricity and circuits, you can decipher these diagrams and become a troubleshooting master... Learn Circuit Fu and how to kick appliance b

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

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