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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

Entries in this blog

Tip for removing the top panel and tub from the NEW versions of the Whirlpool Cabrio washers

Just when we were getting used to the old Whirlpool Cabrio (and Maytag Bravo and Kenmore Oasis) washers-- not liking them, mind you-- but getting used to working on this cheesy bucket of bolts, Whirlpool goes and changes the design. Two things in particular that have changed that affect how the washer is disassembled is the top panel and tub removal. Academy Fellow nickfixit explains in his own colorful way: Source: Cannot release top spring clips on Whirlpool WTW5600XW0 Cabrio

Master Samurai Tech Academy Site Upgrade Today - Some Turbulence Expected

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, this is your Samurai speaking. We're expecting a little turbulence today as we make some adjustments to the Master Samurai Tech Academy website. There may be periods throughout the day where the site either doesn't load at all or may look strange. This, too, shall pass.  For now, I invite you to sit back, relax, and peruse the latest pearls of appliantological wisdom in my blog here at Appliantology.

Webinar Recording: Appliance Service Call Structure and Troubleshooting Strategies

Great turn out for this webinar-- had over 30 people on! That means there are lots of techs who recognize the need for help with these skills. This is good because they can be easily learned by anyone who wants to learn them! This webinar lays out a road map for you to declare your independence from tech lines. Professional Appliantologist members may watch the webinar recording here: Appliance Service Call Structure and Troubleshooting Strategies Master Samurai Tech Academy students m
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