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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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Converting Kenmore refrigerator model number to LG equivalent for Tech Info

As almost everyone with a pulse knows, Kenmore appliances aren't made by a manufacturing company called, "Kenmore." There ain't no Kenmore factory in Malaysia or anywhere else. The only thing Kenmore makes is money. Kenmore appliances are all made by other, well-known manufacturers under contract for Kenmore. This can present a problem getting tech info, like service bulletins and manuals, for independent appliance techs. Since the technical documentation is written by the original manufacturer,

Complete maintenance and tuneup kit for a Kenmore-Frigidaire dryer

Getting sick of all that thumpin', bumpin', rattlin', and moanin' going on inside that dryer when you run it? For just a few bucks and little bit of handiwork, you can make that dryer purr like a brand new one! You'll save money on your electric bill, too because the dryer will run more efficiently. Here's the link to the maintenance kit ==> http://www.repaircli...er=417.79042990 And here's how to install it: Source: Kenmore Gas Dryer Thermal Fuse 417.79042990

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Circuit Fu - Reviving the Ancient Lost Art of Appliance Repair

Whoo-WEE, things sure have changed in the 20 short years I’ve been doing appliance repair! The appliances themselves have changed from discrete mechanically-controlled machines to computers that do appliance functions. But the level of skill among technicians has changed, too. Somewhere along the way, essential skills like a working knowledge of basic electric circuits and using schematics to develop troubleshooting strategies have gotten scarce. In other words, there’s a critical shortage of Ci

Christ is Risen! Χριστός Ανέστη! Христос Воскресе!

Paschal Greetings from around the World Aleut: Khristus anahgrecum! Alhecum anahgrecum! Aleut: Khris-tusax agla-gikux! Agangu-lakan agla-gikux! Albanian: Krishti U Ngjall! Vertet U Ngjall! Alutuq: Khris-tusaq ung-uixtuq! Pijii-nuq ung-uixtuq! Amharic: Kristos tenestwal! Bergit tenestwal! Anglo-Saxon: Crist aras! Crist sodhlice aras! Arabic: El Messieh kahm! Hakken kahm! Armenian: Kristos haryav ee merelotz! Orhnial eh harootyunuh kristosee! Athabascan: Xristosi banuytashtch’ey! Gheli banuytashtc

Christ is Risen!

"Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and upon those in the tombs, bestowing life." -- Sung repeatedly at Orthodox Paschal Matins "Christ is Risen!" "Indeed He is Risen!" -- Traditional Orthodox Paschal greeting and response "Enjoy ye all the feast of faith; receive ye all the riches of loving-kindness." -- From the sermon of St John Chrysostom, read at Paschal Matins "May of the joy of the Resurrection be with all!" -- From a Samurai Paschal sermon

Check your notification settings for your watched forums and topics

I upgraded the forum software to the latest version. Went pretty smoothly and we're sporting a clean new look with lots of cool new features. But, as always, there's bound to be a glitch or two. One in particular that's come to my attention is the notification settings for your watched forums and topics. I noticed I wasn't getting notifications of replies to topic that I had posted in. I also wasn't getting notifications for new posts in forums I'm watching. Have had others message me abo

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Celebrating multiculturalism in Ameedeeka

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Caption Contest! There's even a prize... read on!

I removed the back of the control panel on a range the other day, and found this little critter. (My customer freaked!) Seems like this pic is just a-squeakin' for a good caption. If you've got one, put it in the comments below. Vote for a caption by "liking" it. If your caption gets the most "likes," you'll win your very own official Appliantology travel mug and will be the envy of all your friends. Contest ends at midnight this coming Sunday, November 24.

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Boot Camp Booty: Using the Schematic Diagram to Troubleshoot a Whirlpool Front-Load Washer that Won’t Run

In this exciting episode, the Samurai shows you how to use the tech sheet schematic to troubleshoot a newer Whirlpool front load washer (one of the new Alpha2 platform washers) that acts like it wants to start but won’t. Watch with shock and awe as I ruthlessly hunt down the miscreant part and guide you through the troubleshooting process both on the machine itself and on the schematic diagram, demonstrating killa troubleshooting techniques that every tech should know. Come with me now on a jour


Got a bonafide blizzard going on here! Finally some decent snow to go with the cold. We're supposed to get a foot and half of the white stuff. Cold weather without snow is just depressing. I'll post some winter wonderland pics tomorrow. Meanwhile, making final preps for the trip to Greece. We leave Wednesday. Here's a fun fact to know and tell: AT$T doesn't have an international voice plan for cell phones, it's just a flat $1.29/minute even if someone calls you and even if you don't ans

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Beware Appliance Parts Buyer's Remorse!

Y'all gather 'round, ol' Uncle Samurai has another sad tale to tell about how someone thought they were gonna save a buck or two buying cheap, generic parts off of Ebay or Amazon but it turns out the parts either don't last long or don't work at all. I rectum this is an increasingly common story in these tough economic times with everyone pinching pennies so hard you can almost hear ol' Abe screaming. But, as we're gonna see in today's saga, buying cheap, knock-off parts from the online peddlers

Backpacking in the Pemigewasset Wilderness

Went on an overnight backpacking trip Thursday and Friday in the Pemigewasset Wilderness thru the Bonds: Bondcliff, Mt. Bond, and West Bond, the "Jewels of the Pemi," with my Samurai Spudlets™. Caught sunset on West Bond. Camped overnight at Guyot campsite. Hiked out via Mt. Guyot, the Twinway, South Twin, Galehead hut, and Franconia Brook Trail to make it a nice loop hike. Turn your speakers up and check out the slideshow here. Best viewed in fullscreen mode. I didn't have any cell signa

Back to Work!

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving day with family and friends. Lots of people have the day off today but, alas, no such luxury for the Samurai. After a good morning constitutional, it's back to work! The other night in chat, BrntToast suggested that I start a forum just for tips and tricks on using and getting them most out this forum software since it's new for all the oldtimers here, including yours so freaking truly. Just did that this morning. You may have noticed the new forum cat

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

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