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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

Entries in this blog

How to install the heater kit on the dispenser of a GE refrigerator to stop it from freezing water in the tube

So you thawed out the dispenser supply tube and now the dispenser works again. All good, right? Wrong. Yes, you still need to install the heater kit. Don't believe me? Yeah, I know, I'm just a semi-lucid, mostly-fermented Samurai so, heck, I don't blame you-- half the time, I don't believe me, either! But perhaps you'll believe Chief Master Appliantologist DurhamAppliance: Here's the part link to the heater kit ==> http://www.repairclinic.com/PartDetail/Heating-Element/WR49X10173/1381601 Here

How to clear an error code in a Samsung washer display

Of course, if you haven't corrected the problem, it'll just come right back, but this is good information to know while troubleshooting an elusive problem. Buy parts for your Samsung washer with a 365-day return policy here ==> http://www.repairclinic.com/Samsung-Washing-Machine-Parts Source: Samsung WF328aaw-02 - Keep Losing Main PCB - OE Error

Oven Self-Clean Folly

This is the time of year, the countdown to Thanksgiving, that we professional Appliantologists lovingly refer to as “Cooking Season.” I love cooking season. It marks the next season in my local appliance service bidness from the warm refrigerator fire drills all summer long, through the inevitable slowdown after Labor Day, to cooking season when families get together to break bread and turkey legs, crack a few cold ones, catch up on each other’s lives and generally get on each other’s nerves.

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

What brand of appliance can you buy today that will give 10 to 15 years of trouble-free operation?

Many appliance owners are frustrated today because they don't realize that the days of buying an appliance and having it work trouble-free for 10 to 15 years are long gone. The good news is that you can buy an appliance today for about what you would have paid 15-20 years ago. The bad news is that there's an on-going cost of appliance ownership in doing repairs-- industry average is every 2 to 4 years. What varies among brands and models is how big will that repair need to be, not whether or not

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Lake Solitude Lookout

So, it's been seven days since I had surgery on my schnoz to straighten out the septum and zap polyps in my sinuses. Trying to do a mellow hike today. It's a hot, dry 87F day today. Might not have been a good idea because that hot, dry air makes my sinuses burn. My surgeon will probably sneer contemptuously at me tomorrow when I see her like she did when I saw her the day after the surgery to have the nose packing removed. She yanked them out and I yelled in pain, " Ahhh! I can't believe you d

Webinar Recording for Office Hours, March 6, 2017

We talked about lots of good stuff last night at the Office Hours webinar. I started off with a brief presentation on Neutral and Ground in AC circuits, explaining how they are different and each serves different purposes in AC circuits.  Then we applied what we learned about power supplies in that presentation to decipher some crappy instructions in a service bulletin for a Whirlpool inverter microwave where we had to figure out how to test the digital data input to the inverter.  We

How to troubleshoot a Bosch dishwasher that won't finish a cycle, runs forever, or shows 2H in the display

This is always a problem with the dishwasher's water heating system. In Bosch dishwashers, if they can't heat the water enough, they'll just keep running until they do. Kinda dumb design, I think. In comparison, Whirlpool-built dishwashers at least give you an obvious fault code like the clean light flashing seven times. But, I rectum that's my Pro-Amerkan bias bleedin' through. Water heating problems in Bosch dishwashers come down to one of two problems: - problem with the control board not se

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

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