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It's not too late to claim this tax deduction

Samurai Appliance Repair Man


2017 is quickly coming to an end, and the new year is just around the corner. This is your last chance to get in some tax deductible business expenses, and an enrollment in one of our enlightening and empowering appliance tech training courses at Master Samurai Tech is just the thing! 

Most of you reading this will be in either the 15% or 25% tax bracket. Training costs for your employment or business are tax deductible. If you claim your tuition as a deduction on your 1040, this is effectively like getting our top-notch, online appliance repair training at a 15 to 25% discount! 

If you have already enrolled this year, be sure to claim your tuition as a business expense. If you haven't yet enrolled, you can still claim this deduction on your 2017 taxes if you enroll by the end of the year

Why let the government take more of your money when you can spend it on empowering, knowledge-packed courses that are sure to level up your appliance repair business? 

From all of us here at Team Samurai, we wish you and your family a healthy and prosperous 2018!

Team Samurai
The Master Samurai Tech Academy


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