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So glad I gave it up years ago...

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  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


I heared that, mah bruvah!

We still have a FB page for Master Samurai Tech and reply to questions and inquiries there but I don’t do anything else— strictly bidness.

I stopped doing personal stuff years ago when I saw what a plantation-sewer socialist media had become. 

Most people on the plantation think Fakebook  and Twatter are a great deal because “it’s free.”  Newsflash: it ain’t free. You’re paying with your personal information that they scrape and sell to marketers. Their product is YOU.

The most evil part of it though is how it literally rewires your brain by design, which they readily admit (as the video documents). Amazingly, even this doesn’t stop most people from using socialist media. 



I do agree with the above statement.  But I'm fighting the Facebook programming to click the Like Button.  I would like to create an Unsocial Media Site...But Who Would Join?   If Facebook would like some of my Time...They need to have an Unlike Button so that I'd have something to do B)

  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


19 minutes ago, Samtech said:

I do agree with the above statement.  But I'm fighting the Facebook programming to click the Like Button.

Jolly good show! ?


20 minutes ago, Samtech said:

.They need to have an Unlike Button so that I'd have something to do B)

They kind of have that already with Youtube. Except instead of an unlike button, youtube comments are famous for petty snark. :bangin::fouetaa:



Check out the trailer for a new documentary "The Creepy Line"


  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


Looks like they have the privacy settings to not allow embedding on other sites, Brother @SANTA

A & G Enterprises


i will never be in facebook



Interesting. I broke free from Facebook upwards of a couple years ago, and don't miss it at all.

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  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


Finally deleted (not deactivated; permanently deleted)  my Fakebook profile. Long overdue. Never did much with it but it’s good to be officially off the digital plantation. 

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