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Appliance Repair Tech Tips

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BrandSource Partners with Master Samurai Tech Academy for Tech Training


Team Samurai has been training appliance techs at the Master Samurai Tech Academy for over 6 years now, and helping out repairmen on the web for far longer. Mr. Appliance has already used our online training for 4 years to make their techs the best they can be. Now, BrandSource has teamed up with us, too!

BrandSource is a non-profit buying group for independent retailers of furniture, mattresses, electronics, and, of course, appliances. They help the little guys by negotiating better prices from manufacturers for their members.

Many of their members struggle to get their appliance service departments to break even, and very often they lose money.

But we know it doesn't have to be that way. Well-trained techs lead to increased profitability. Giving your crew a solid understanding of electricity, proper troubleshooting techniques, schematic readings skills, and prediagnosis will make any service business incredibly profitable. This is exactly what we teach at the MST Academy.

Like Mr. Appliance, BrandSource recognized the way that our online, self-paced training has been helping techs for years, and they wanted to make that training available at a discount for their members. Click here to learn how to enroll with this discount.

We're excited for the opportunity to reach even more techs with our training and do our part to make the appliance repair trade the best it can be. Click here to see what BrandSource has to say about Master Samurai Tech training.

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