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A Hands-On Demonstration of PWM and RPM Signals in BLDC Motors

Son of Samurai


We had some fun in this Live Dojo Workshop! We went beyond the screen into the big, scary Real World and showed off live a few things about BLDC fan motors, including:

  • BLDC fan motor wire color conventions
  • Expected readings on PWM and RPM feedback lines
  • Simulating a PWM signal
  • Identifying failed speed sensor

...and more! Click below to watch the workshop recording -- viewable only by premium tech members.

Screenshot 2023-09-04 195015.png

If you're an Appliantology tech member and you want to join in the fun, sign up for the next Live Dojo. And there will be more after that, every other Saturday. Keep an eye on the Appliantology calendar and sign up for our newsletter so you don't miss out.

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