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Appliance Repair Tech Tips

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[Video] Demystifying Strip Circuits and Confusing DC Terminology

What are strip circuits and how do you read them? What purpose do they serve in troubleshooting? Are they better than normal schematics, worse, or just different?

That's what we explore in this workshop, which is an excerpt of the discussion from one of our latest Live Dojo workshops. Parallel to that, it also acts as something of a part 2 to our previous workshop on DC terminology. These schematics that we show have a number of esoteric and straight up confusing DC terminology, but don't worry -- we demystify it all.

Click below to watch the workshop recording -- viewable only by premium tech members.


If you're an Appliantology tech member and you want to join in the fun, sign up for the next Live Dojo. And there will be more after that, usually every other Saturday. Keep an eye on the Appliantology calendar and sign up for our newsletter so you don't miss out.

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