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Wagner Power Steamer 915e review

Koi Guy


I’ve been using the cheap steamers for a decade now. I buy the cheap ones, $35-$40 and keep a few on hand so when one breaks I or a tech won’t be without. So a buddy got a hold of a Wagner Power Steamer 915e and he was all bragging about it. So after a few months of listening to him I was ready to pull the trigger (pun intended). I browsed every week or so and one day they were on sale from Amazon for only $100. Normally they’re $140-ish. Sweeetttt!!!

This thing kicks butt! It cuts through tough ice and is fast clearing a large evap. I’m gonna say it has shortened a thaw out by 50-60%. That’s half or greater than half the time. Huge time saver. Has a large spray area, almost too much, as it gets a little splashback. And it’s so much steam it fogs the area so much I can’t see. It definitely is a Power Steamer.

Pros: Large reservoir- only have to fill once. The trigger is on the end of the wand. Can lock the trigger, saving finger fatigue. Large volume of steam in a broad area. Long hose. Self contained with several attachments.

Cons: Short cord that does not retract, but it has a long hose that is permanently attached. Bulky and awkward shaped, has a large storage compartment that holds the attachments and I think that could have been smaller. Takes 8-10 minutes to fully heat up using hot water to start with.

All in all a great product that saves time, but takes more space. I can’t comment on the longevity of it since I haven’t had it too long. Will update this blog post at some point.



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I just bought it. It's exceptional timing that you posted this 10 hours ago. Then here I am at 6 o'clock in the morning looking at appliantology for a recommendation for a steamer.

Thanks man. 

I actually posted a topic asking what everyone's favorite steamor is right before noticing you posted this 10 hours ago 😂 


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I purchased the Wagner 905e version steamer and very pleased with its performance. Very similar to your 915e but has fewer accessories.

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Posted (edited)

I just bought this last week as well my hand held has a recall so perfect timing... this little sucker is totally bad ass, 1 gallon of steam amazing!!! Thank you sir!!

Edited by dfphoto
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