WPL Direct Drive “burning smell”
Every now and then I’ll run across this. The complaint is the customer smells burning- possibly rubber or electrical. The machine works fine.
What I sometimes find is that the smell is coming from the lid switch area, and either the connector to the switch is burned or both the connector and switch are burned. Sometimes this observed and one can see the charring of the connector. But sometimes it’s not visible. An easy way to tell is to simply remove the connector, and if the connector is resistant to removal, then that’s a sign it’s burned or getting there. In fact, sometimes I’ll discover this condition as I’m removing the cabinet for a repair.
Today’s complaint was “an occasional burning smell.” I found the connector was burned at the Line, which is where the heat is being generated. So I only needed to repair one terminal. Sometimes one, two, or all three terminals need replacing. Just depends.
Sorry, I had already began to cut the connector before I decided to take pics. I use a pair of strong sheers to cut the connector sections.
The terminals on the lid switch are 1/8”. I save terminals from stuff and I found the terminals from Whirlpool motors are perfect. I have also ordered them before from Amazon.
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