Feliz Navidad from the Master Appliantologists at www.Appliantology.org!
Here, now, for the first time on film, is the elite Dancing Corps of the Samurai Appliance Repair Academy. The Dancing Corps members are just a few of the actual, real-life Master Appliantologists you'll meet here at Appliantology.org helping you fix your broken appliances. They've worked and trained countless hundreds of hours of their own time to bring you this traditional Christmas greeting dance. The composition of the Corps varies from year to year; the 2011 Appliantology Dance Corps members are: RegUS_PatOff, kdog, KurtiusInterupptus, DurhamAppliance, and yours ever so truly. We hope you enjoy watching as much as we enjoyed rehearsing!
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While they last, you can download a free, limited-edition, autographed copy of this video; only a limited number of these were made using the finest single-barrel sour mash ingredients and no GMO-- after they're gone, that's it. So get it while you can! ==> Video, 59 MB, mpg file
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