Scrotum Scrubber Roundup
Here are a few of the scrotum scrubbers I've repaired in my distinguished career as an appliance repair professional. Personally, I don't use this type of appliance-- why have an appliance do something that a simple wash cloth will do? Saves money and energy and it's better for the environment. Honestly, I think our society's obsession with technology is unhealthy sometimes.
Has a more gentle scrubbing action than some of the others but may leave some skin behind and may not be as thorough.
Attachment for a power drill for buffing, not technically a scrubber per se.
This is a unique one: it's designed for hard-to-reach scrotums (think obesity) and dries at the same time.
This one leaves a nice piney scent when finished.
For use with your Dremel tool on very small scrotillia.
One of the industrial strength attachments.
When you really mean clean!
When you don't care what's left when you're done scrubbing.
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