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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Ode de la starting a topic in the repair forums without including your model number

Poster bought a washer, he had it for a time

Now when he tries to use it, it left a lot of grime

Get some lime and some coconut and mix them both up

Get some lime and some coconut and mix them both up

Get some lime and some coconut.

Asked the Samurai, left no model number but said

“Samurai, aint there nothing I can make”

I say Samurai, to relieve this moldy cake

I say samurai, ain’t there nothin’ I can make,

I say, Samurai, to relieve this moldy cake?

“Now let me tell you straight

You get some lime and some coconut, you mix them both up

You get some lime and some coconut, you mix them both up

You mix the lime and the coconut put on top, around and under

But for advice that really works, please leave your model number.”


Source: ge washer leaking


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