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Some Pearls of Wisdom on the Maytag MAH2400AWW washer and on the Maytag Brand in General

Our Brother in The Craft, nickfixit, who has logged hundreds of thousands of hours in hand-to-appliance combat in his distinguished career as a Professional Appliantologist, offers his unique and practical perspective on the Maytag MAH2400AWW washer on the once-venerable Maytag brand in general. Ignore his wisdom at your own peril:

Todays topic MAH2400AWW

As usual a Maytag, even though they didn't build it, they brought this piece of fucking junk into the US. All you got to do to make something a worthless pile of steaming monkey dung is slap the Maytag name on it. Even the Whirlpool built Maytags suck big time, the Maytag badge is a curse apon the land.

I quess it's just asumed, by the "engineers", that an apartment sized front load washer would never have the dryer stacked on top and be shoved into a closet next to a water heater. And there isn't any way a coin could ever get into the pump. So I figure it was a great idea to have no front access panel or filter or coin trap. An even better idea was to put the pump as far from the rear access panel as possible. And kudos to the fucking shit head who made the pump mount screws go up through the base, that was a nice touch. The crowning achievement is the muderous sharp edges on every metal edge.

After suffering a two hour process to remove a quarter, I have this wish for everone involved with this machine being in my homeland..

"I want to bash you in the 'nads a 1000 times with an aluminum baseball bat until you cough up you own skull"


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Source: A Mini Rant

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Couldnt have said it better!!



umm, tell us how you really feel. Inglis POS. 

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