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Never Worry or How To Approach Any Repair With Confidence.

Went to a range repair last week. Old electric Frigidaire drop-in. Not much info to be found. One burner not working. No worries I say, for I am DurhamAppliance.

Didn't have a manual and never disassembled one of these before... no worries I say, .. How hard can it be?

Get out there and discovered it uses those really thick swivel style burners.... No worries I say, probably just a bad connection.

Tried to remove the burner screw, it wouldn't budge and became damaged. No worries I say, I got me a dremel.

Went to my truck but forgot I used the dremel for house renovations the other day. No worries I say, I'll just take apart the console and test the switch. If the switch is good then I'll just get a burner and bring my dremel the next time.

Never disassembled such an ancient stove before, no worries I say, how hard can it be?

After about 30 minutes of fumbling around I got it apart, for I am DurhamAppliance.

Tested the switch... it passed, No worries I say, all I have to bring next time is a burner and my dremel.

Reassembled the console... tight fit, took only another ten minutes but I got it back in place, for I am DurhamAppliance.

Turned the power back on, check the burner and a short yet spectacular explosion of sparks shot across the room. One of the wires connecting to the burner light indicator came off and fused against the inside of the stainless steel control panel causing a burn spot that permeated through to the front side. No worries I say, I'll just buff it out with some Barkeeper's Friend next time I come.

Put the console back together, this time removing the light indicators from the console and installing them after the console was back in place. This way I can keep my eyes on those pesky connectors. Turned the power back on, tested everything.. no sparks, no explosions, no screaming, for I am DurhamAppliance.

So now, pack up... list of things to bring, dremel, burner and Barkeeper's friend.. but the burner is no longer available. No worries I say, for I know people.

The guy I was getting the burner from says he has plenty of 'em, his office is about 30 mins away so I' ll just stop by and get one... but he says he is not in the office. No worries I say, I'll get one tomorrow.

The next day he left the office and forgot to leave one.. No worries, I say, I'll get one tomorrow.

The next day he left the office and forgot to leave one.. No worries I say, ... I'll get one tomorrow.

The next day he left the office and forgot to leave one.. No worries I say, ... I'll get one tomorrow.

The next day he left the office and forgot to leave one.. No worries, I say... I'll just get one the first of the week... damn.

Finally got the burner, got my dremel and some Barkeeper's Friend and now I can make my triumphant return, for I am DurhamAppliance.

Dremel in hand, plug in burner and some polish. I figured I'll be in an out in less than 20 minutes but the slot I cut in the screw with the dremel did not work... it always has in the past... but the screw head was just too soft. No worries I say, I got me a drill.

I drilled through that screw in no time and the burner came loose, for I am DurhamAppliance.

Easy replacement for sure until i notice the original burner did not have male connectors like the replacement. It was hard-wired. No worries I say, for I can crimp female hi temp connectors on the wires.

Connectors went on, put the burner in place and cut the power on.... no heat... took the burner down tested the line and got 240...then 120...no worries I say, that switch must be intermittent.

Disassembled the console once again, tested the switch and sure enough it tests bad this time. No worries I say, .. I'll just replace it with a ge generic switch.

Went to my truck, then realized I used my last switch earlier that day. No worries I say, I'll just drive 30 min round trip to my parts supplier and get one.

Triumphantly re-returned again that day, took apart the console like a pro this time, replaced the bad switch and reassembled the console in no time. Turned the power on and the burner sprang to life for apparently the first time in over a year, for I am DurhamAppliance.

Checked the temp of the burner and wouldn't you know it (I bet a dollar to a donut that Sensei Budget already guessed my problem) the simmer and Hi settings were reversed. Damn.. However no worries I say, I'll just order the oem burner from Repairclinic.

The part is available and pretty good price since the 8 inch switch is $56 bucks so the 6 inch has to be pretty cheap. Going to fix it at a good price for the customer for I am DurhamAppliance.

Scrolled down on the price listing and there it was.. the 6 inch burner switch.... $168! Customer will not go through with the repair at that price. No worries I say, I'll call up my local parts house and ask them for a generic switch that is opposite the normal ones they carry.

Got them on the phone and they asked if the "hi" is on the right or the left. Looked at the dial and the "hi" is on the right. Okay they said $14 and it will be in tomorrow. Told the customer the good news and set an appointment for my third triumphant return early next week, for I am DurhamAppliance.

I had time to stop by my office before the next appointment. As I. walked in I noticed one of our stoves for sale. It had the "hi" on the right but the temps were written on the stove not the dial.... if hi is on the right and marked on the stove, you turn the button to the right but if "hi" is written on the right side on the dial itself, you turn the dial to the left! Damn I gave the wrong info to the parts house and the day's order deadline is fast approaching.

I couldn't get the salesperson who I talked with earlier on the phone... i guess calls were pouring in since it is the end of the day... so I drove there. Made it... out of breath I shouted "change the switch to the other way! " By this time the manager walks by and I explained it all to him. And guess what he said?... yep, you guessed it.... "No worries!"..... For they knew what I meant. (man I love D&L parts)

As I left the store, I pumped my fist in the air. Happy that something finally went right. It had to, for I am DurhamAppliance. But there are some days I wished I was someone else.

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I have had similar things happen and at times even wonder why we do what we do but I have a reputation of getting things done.Like they say, if it was easy anyone could do it.I do appreciate your story Durham. I will need the inspiration tommorrow!

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Mr. Lee Fix


I believe, and I live by it, that this was the right thing to do.  Certainly not the easiest, not the least frustrating, and most likely under appreciated....but the right thing to do.  You have to treat ypour customers fairly and with honesty.  If they turn out to be the northbound end of a southbound warthog, well, don't take their job next time.

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