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Whirlpool Drain (or if Prince was an Appliantologist)

We all want to grow our companies,  but finding and keeping qualified techs or just finding anyone that posseses even the slightest work ethic is a difficult,  near impossible task.  This song laments this sad state of affairs but also is a tribute to the recent passing of one of the greats.    Scroll down,  start the video,  scroll back up and sing along!  Whirlpool Drain (or if Prince was an Appliantologist looking for good help)  Maybe you never meant to cause me any sorro



Customer Show and tell Video: Ice on Bottom of Freezer and Water on Floor

You've all experienced this... explaining what you deem to be a simple concept to a customer,  but although they say the understand,  the look they give you suggests it ain't quite getting through..     Sometimes a simple  picture or  video is worth a thousand words.  The following video shows how a clogged defrost drain causes ice build-up on the floor of a freezer and how that leads to water on their wooden floors.   This video was taken of a Whirlpool fridge with a cl



Applyricology, Best of Durham Music Vol 1

FRIGIDAIRE TONIGHT (ie Phil Collins as an appliantologist singing a cautionary tale about an unprepared tech) (click video then scroll down to the lyrics)   Got a call to fix a Frigidaire tonight, oh Lord Should have prepared for this moment at Samurai's site, oh Lord Here I come to fix your Frigidaire tonight, oh Lord , oh Lord   Well you told me your fresh food was freezing, asked if I would lend a hand I've seen your face before my friend, but



Frigidaire Refrigerator Survival Kit

Finding Frigidaire manuals is a bit different from other manufacturers. The Style and manufacture date are more important than the model number.   Once you know the manufacture date for a fridge, simply pick the last manual produced before that date. If you don't know the date, you can always click here ,http://b2b.frigidaire.com/support/manuals.asp and download the owners manual for the model and you will see the manufacture date bottom right on the first page. You can also get wiri



How to find documentation for Kenmore Refrigerators

Finding documentation for Kenmore appliances can be challenging at times. If you are lucky, you may locate it in our download section. When searching, try searching with the decimal, without the decimal, removing the decimal and numbers in front of it and replace them with an "*" while also replacing the last few letters with an "*". See Searching for technical documents http://appliantology.org/topic/51337-getting-started-at-appliantology/. But usually, Kenmore's are a pita to find info. Y



Can't a Brother Have a Little Fun?

Brother Smash recently asked a question about what else we did and then specifically asked about video games. (see http://appliantology.org/topic/52791-what-else-do-you-do/)He made me remember there are more things in life than repairing appliances. Now don't get me wrong, I love being a tech but he made me remember times when I had fun doing other things So I thought I'd look for some of my old games and maybe relive the days when I battled foes other than refrigerators and maybe also rev



Video Tip #1 : Oven door glass has continuity?

This is the first in a series of short video tips. First up is a tip passed on to me from Applianceman97. It's info he recently acquired in a training class. Even with all the knowledge bro A97 has, he continues to train and attend classes. A superior tech who continues to up his game is an unstoppable force. We're lucky to have him share his knowledge on appliantology, even if he is still so young he has to ask permission to leave the porch.



Time To Give Thanks, once again

Wow, It's been 3 years since I wrote this one...and since then I can't believe I've made nearly 4000 posts and done countless repairs! Time sure flies when I'm having fun but I, as well as us all, must take a little time to give thanks. Once a year is certainly not enough but making this day special helps us remember to give thanks, always: In my best Lawerence Welk voice (young uns, look him up on youtube)...., "This time, a short Thanksgiving tribute to those of us who sacrifice family holida



Tool Review : Circuit Board Stand-off tool!

An interesting tool that supposedly makes it easier to remove boards from those pesky plastic stand-offs. see:http://appliantology.org/topic/46833-circuit-board-standoff-tool/?hl=%2Bstand+%2Boff+%2Btool#entry281824 My thoughts before getting it: 1) Expensive 2) I could make one 3) Limited use My thoughts after receiving it: 1) This thing is nicely built 2) Looks very professional, 3) I can't wait to try it My thoughts after using it: 1) Love it! 2) Makes removing boards a snap 3) I'd buy on



Whirlpool universal fridge timer 482493 instructions decoded

Sometimes after working on ADC, mainboards, jazz boards, genesis boards, utah boards, and beta boards, it's a relief to repair a fridge where the defrost is controlled by a good old standard timer. That is until you have to use the Whirlpool universal timer and have to re-read those "encoded" instructions. Over a year ago, when I had some time (and this timer) on my hands, I decided to break that code. Recently, I discussed this info but forgot what I came up with and it took some time



GE Fridge Mainboard Cross Reference

Most techs are aware of one or two common mainboards used in GE Arctica and Profile type fridges. The most common I suggest you have in stock as part of my GE Fridge Survival Kit ( see http://appliantology.org/blog/1/entry-730-ge-refrigerator-repair-survival-kit/) However, the other day I came across another similar board that I wasn't familiar with, or so I thought. Main Board Part no. WR55X10832 I didn't think I'd seen that version before until I found one in my old board collection (I ke



The Things You Don't Know

I'm sure some of you wonder why I'm always preaching about being prepared, scanning service manuals/tech sheets, looking for bulletins, reading pertinent posts etc prior to going on a repair. I think the following best illustrates my reason:



Disassembling a GE Double Drawer Fridge.. PITA Video

I had lots of fun disassembling and reassembling this GE model PGCS1NFXASS and I had the pleasure of doing it twice in two days. The first day I replaced a bad mainboard and replaced the evap thermistor for good measure. There were no burned out fan resistors and the evap fan seemed to work fine. Rookie mistake. I still should have tested the fan's rpm at the board. Heck, I should have just changed out the fan regardless just to protect the new board as GE suggests. But I was trying to save m



Repairing Samsung Fridges, Simplicity to Supremacy Pt 1

I hope this helps you kick some Samsung Fridge Bootay! On a Samsung repair, the First thing you do is talk with the customer about the problem. DO NOT open or let customer open the doors or unplug the fridge. "Ma'am, don't touch the fridge. Only the facts, please." The second thing you MUST do with Samsungs is "talk to the fridge." Again do not open any doors, do not permit customer to open any doors instead check the display for error codes then run error code diagnostics (using diagnosti



You can't touch this... Non-contact voltage detectors

Why so many voltage testers? Well during last years ASTI, the instructor in Basic Electronics asked for those who were afraid of electricity to raise their hand. I embarrassingly raised my hand along with a few others. He then asked for a show of hands of those who had a healthy respect for electricity. To those he replied "you are the ones most likely to die from an electric shock." I agree. I work well with electricity but it scares the hell out of me. I check multiple times for voltage



GE Fridge Mainboard Load Test Video... intermittent Fridge

Complaint was intermittent Cooling on a GE SxS profile... temps in the 30's, ice melting, soft ice cream etc Sensors all passed ohm test No apparent seal, gasket, dispenser door leaks All fans working... condenser coils clean... light switches okay Frost pattern perfect... no defrost issues compressor and relay okay. So maybe the board fails when too many systems are running at the same time... time to use the load test suggested by fixyourboard (for more info on how to make the probe se



Cold outside, Chili inside... Gadgety cooking with Durham

INGREDIENTS: 1 pound ground beef 2 teaspoons olive oil 1 sweet onion, chopped 1 small green bell pepper, finely chopped 1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and finely chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced 2 (14.5 ounce) cans dark red kidney beans, drained and rinsed 2 (14.5 ounce) cans diced tomatoes, undrained 3 tablespoons tomato paste 1 tablespoon dark brown sugar 2 teaspoons unsweetened cocoa powder 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes, or to taste 2 tablespoons chili powder 2 teaspoons ground cumin 1/2 t



Never Worry or How To Approach Any Repair With Confidence.

Went to a range repair last week. Old electric Frigidaire drop-in. Not much info to be found. One burner not working. No worries I say, for I am DurhamAppliance. Didn't have a manual and never disassembled one of these before... no worries I say, .. How hard can it be? Get out there and discovered it uses those really thick swivel style burners.... No worries I say, probably just a bad connection. Tried to remove the burner screw, it wouldn't budge and became damaged. No worries I say, I got



Loose Seal

So, I was working on a Frigidaire freezer yesterday. Lots of condensation on the ceiling and near the door. Everything looked okay, initially. Customers say the door is always locked to keep the kids out. Diagnostics showed no problem. No defrost, defrost drainage nor light fixture issues. The customers weren't home so I made this video and emailed it to them. Yeah, I forgot the fan was still running, so stop laughing! Anyhow, the repair inspired me to finish writing a song I



My kingdom for a pair of glasses

Here I am on Memorial day riding shotgun going to Virginia to visit in laws About 5 hour ride, round trip. Wife wants to drive so I'm chillin. Brought my tablet, turn my phone's hotspot on thought I'd get some quality time on Appliantology. I brought everything I need. Or so I thought. I forgot my eyeglasses.. damn. I feel like Burgess Merideth in this twilight zone scene... wanted to end it all at first (i guess he was going to visit in laws as well) but found reprieve, a way to esca



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