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GE Fridge Mainboard Load Test Video... intermittent Fridge

Complaint was intermittent Cooling on a GE SxS profile... temps in the 30's, ice melting, soft ice cream etc

Sensors all passed ohm test

No apparent seal, gasket, dispenser door leaks

All fans working... condenser coils clean... light switches okay

Frost pattern perfect... no defrost issues

compressor and relay okay.

So maybe the board fails when too many systems are running at the same time...

time to use the load test suggested by fixyourboard

(for more info on how to make the probe see http://appliantology.org/topic/21308-ge-fridge-tool-diy/)

CORRECTION: I meant to say in the video you would know there was a failure if the reading was 13.3 or 13.2 vdc using the shunt.

I examined this thing so deeply you'd think I was a Refrigerator proctologist. Then I caught a break. The customer wanted me to check out a problem with his ice bucket. Apparently the rod that switches the ice from crushed to cubed was loose.

As I was testing it and after the third time I pressed the actuator, the ice chute door remained wide open. The next time it closed perfectly and the time after that it remained wide open. Problem, oxidation in the solenoid, easily fixed with an emory cloth and lubrication.

Diagnosis.... intermittent ice chute door (and no tell tale frost around the chute or icemaker to lead me to this conclusion)

From now on I will not just examine the ice chute door, but activate and watch it open and close several times.

Btw... please, whatever you do, do not forget to remove that shunt probe and do something like... uh... test a 120vac connector for voltage. It aint pretty. Damn, I can never find the aloe vera when I need it.

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Remember, passing this test does not mean the board is good.. just that it doesn't fail under heavy load. ..

LI-NY Tech


Great tool.  I've already ordered the parts to make two of them.  I read the source page for this info but I'm unclear as to how this tool is putting a load on the board.

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