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Troubleshooting a Dacor PCD / PCS double oven with an F1 error code

F1 Alarm “System Watchdog Circuit”

ERC Self-Diagnostic circuitry has detected a failure in the bake/broil system.

Any portion of the ERC, relay board, touch pad, heating elements and related wiring may be at fault.

How to diagnose/repair potential cause:

Step 1: Disconnect membrane from ERC.

If an F1 alarm is not activated within 30 seconds, check membrane function test points with an OHM meter.

(refer to page 20 of the Diagnostic Test Manual)

If the membrane test switch fails, replace membrane.

If membrane test is good, continue to step 2.

Step 2: At ERC check for 24 VDC between J2 pins 1 and 3 for upper/single ovens or J5 pins 7 and 10 for lower ovens

(when lower oven is not in a cooking/clean mode)

**Note: F1 must be showing in the ERC/Clock Display.

If you read 24 VDC at those test points, replace ERC

The following Dacor PCS/PCD manuals are available to Apprentices upon request:

DACOR PCS PCD Diagnostic_Manual.pdf

DACOR PCS PCD Fault Codes.pdf

DACOR PCS PCD Light-Latch Service Bulletin.pdf

DACOR PCS PCD PARTS 5995436283.pdf

DACOR PCS PCD Service Bulletins ECS_FSB.pdf

DACOR PCS PCD Wiring Diagrams.pdf

DACOR Wall Ovens Quick Tests.pdf

Find and order Dacor oven parts here.

Source: PCD 230R Dacor double oven F-1 code


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