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Great News for current Professional Appliantologist members!

Samurai Appliance Repair Man


Great news: the annual fee for Professional Appliantologist members will never increase as long as you keep your membership active. That last part is very important for reasons I’ll explain below.

The annual fee for new Professional Appliantologist members has increased. This does not affect current members as long they do not allow their membership to expire.

The annual fee increase is also great news for prospective new members! Huh? Why?

Because it means we are still accepting new members… for now.

We came very close to implementing one of two options:

  1. Close off new memberships altogether and just keep the site open for existing members as long as they wanted to remain
  2. Allow memberships only for Master Samurai Tech Academy students and alumni making Appliantology the on-going support site for the MST community.

In the end we decided on a third way: keep the annual fee the same for existing members in perpetuity and still allow new members but at a higher fee. This may discourage membership but that’s okay-- our focus is on quality, not quantity.

Master Samurai Tech Academy students with active enrollments(s) (i.e., still working on a course) are currently offered a 10% student discount off Professional Appliantologist membership. That will remain in effect, too.

How to Prevent your current Professional Appliantologist membership from expiring

An invoice will be automatically emailed to you two weeks prior to your membership expiration. If you want keep your membership at the current fee and you do not have a credit card on file, be sure to pay the invoice right away! If it expires, you’ll need to re-purchase the membership at the new, increased fee.

If you’d like to mitigate the risk of your current PA membership running out because you somehow missed the renewal invoice, you can keep a credit card on file with our payment processor, Stripe. Your credit card information is not stored on our server-- it is stored securely on Stripe's server.  (Stripe is our payment processor. They are lightyears ahead of Paypal in both security and features and are an Apple Pay certified partner. Their website is here.)

Once your card is on file, you will get a reminder email 3 days before the payment is taken. If your card is current, you don't need to do anything and your membership will autorenew.

To enter your credit card info, go to Memberships > My Details > Cards and click the yellow "Add New Card" button. 

Desktop membership menu:



Mobile membership menu:










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I think it would be nice if we could have a card on file and set up our accounts for auto renewal.  I always find out my account has expired by showing up at a job and realizing that I don't have access to tech sheets. That is my fault I don't check my email very often. A notification or message in our appliantology inbox would be nice also.

  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


11 minutes ago, johntech said:

A notification or message in our appliantology inbox would be nice also.

This is not an option. Renewal invoices are sent out automatically by the forum software via email. There are no on-site notifications for expirations. 

You can, however, check the status and expiration date of your membership at your Manage Purchases page.  If you simply cannot change your work habits to check your email regularly, then you can purchase as several years of membership at your current membership rate on your Manage Purchases page and not have to worry about it for a while. You can purchase as many years of membership as you like. 


  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


On 8/11/2017 at 9:12 AM, johntech said:

I think it would be nice if we could have a card on file and set up our accounts for auto renewal.

Got some more info on this aspect... turns out this IS an option!

We had not enabled this option to date because we didn't want people's credit card information stored on our server. Prompted by your request, we verified with the developer that this is not the case-- credit card information is stored on Stripe's servers, not ours. (Stripe is our payment processor. They are lightyears ahead of Paypal in both security and features and are an Apple Pay certified partner. Their website is here.)

We have enabled the option to store your credit card on file so that it autorenews and you won't have to worry about missing an invoice. You will get a reminder email 3 days before the payment is taken. If your card is current, you don't need to do anything and your membership will autorenew. 

To enter your credit card info, go to Memberships > My Details > Cards and click the yellow "Add New Card" button. 

I will update the original blog post with this info. 





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