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[Workshop] Using Timer Charts and Schematics to Troubleshoot, Sunday, December 9 @3PM ET


Son of Samurai
Tech Training

Who: All tech members at Appliantology: Professional Appliantologists, Senior Appliantology Fellows, Legacy Techs, and Master Samurai Tech Alumni at Appliantology

What: Being able to analyze a schematic and see how a circuit is supposed to function is real work that all goes on inside our heads when we're troubleshooting an electrical problem. Even though customers don't see anything happening when we do this, schematic analysis is the indispensable, high skill part of our job as techs. In this workshop, we're going to use the timing chart and schematic on the tech sheet to troubleshoot a no-agitate problem on an old skool Whirlpool direct drive washer. Even techs who have repaired thousands of these machines can get tripped up on this one and start guessing or, worse, blindly changing parts. By using the timing chart and schematic together, we will determine exactly how the motor circuit is supposed to operate. And if you know how a circuit is supposed to work, you can always determine exactly what's wrong in these simple circuits-- no guesswork, no parts changing. We'll use the Ten Step Tango™ Troubleshooting procedure to develop a troubleshooting strategy and working hypothesis along with specific electrical tests to test our hypothesis. 

When: Sunday, December 9, 2018, at 3PM Eastern Time (adjust your time zone accordingly)

Where: All of our web meetings are powered by Join.me. For the connection details, see below.

This webinar is open to all Appliantology tech members: Professional Appliantologists, Senior Appliantology Fellows, Master Samurai Tech Alumni, and Legacy Techs. Click the yellow "Going" button above and then fill out the form on this page to request connection details: 


How: Download the free Join.me app here: https://www.join.me/apps

Here are a couple tips to ensure that the webinars are a smooth, cool experience for you:

1. Arrive early to make sure your connection is working! Also, if you show up late for the webinar, you'll be lost.

2. Watch this ultra-short video on how to use your Join.me control console while you're in the web meeting because you're gonna wanna do cool stuff like:
- correctly connect your audio (without producing the dreaded echo!) so you and everyone else can hear what the Samurai is explaining
- mute and unmute yourself so we can keep the microphones open and we can all talk 



Recommended Comments

Tone Blair


You read my mind! I just did one of these yesterday, and i couldn't read the damn schematic or chart for shit! Geezus!!

The washer was agitating during fill, and calling for water at final spin, best I could figure out was the timer was bad! 


  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


The recording from this webinar has been posted here: 


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