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Service Bulletin:

At the time of installation, after the washer is first plugged in, the washer may appear to be running a continuous cycle that cannot be stopped, even when you unplug the washer, wait 10 seconds and plug it back in—the washer is in "Continuous Test Mode". To turn this off, perform the following procedure.

Evernote enex ZIP

What's New in Version PDF   See changelog


Added a PDF version of this file

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Why has the download format changed? They're now enex zip files, I have evernote, but I cannot open. I'll search online for a resolution 

  • Like 1


Why has the download format changed? They're now enex zip files, I have evernote, but I cannot open. I'll search online for a resolution 

I'm with you. 

  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Posted (edited)

On November 15, 2014 at 11:30 PM, Samtech said:

Why has the download format changed? They're now enex zip files, I have evernote, but I cannot open. I'll search online for a resolution 



Oh ye of little faith, why do ye doubt? Ye need only search the Sacred Samurai Blog and all shall be revealed unto thee:  



Now go in peace.

Edited by Samurai Appliance Repair Man
Koi Guy


Hello, I am unable to access the file. The 'Evernote zip link says "The page requested does not exists."

Would love to know about the endless cycle....




  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


The link to that blog post was broken. I've fixed it and it should work now. Lemme know. 

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