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Found 2 results

  1. Samurai Appliance Repair Man

    Troubleshooting a Gas Dryer No Heat Problem

    In this appliance repair extravaganza, Samurai Appliance Repair Man shows you how to think like a real technician using the schematic as your troubleshooting strategy map and track down the cause for a no heat problem in a gas dryer. Learn appliance repair online at the Master Samurai Tech Academy Get tech support at Appliantology.org
  2. I have a GE Profile DPSE810GG0WT Gas Dryer with an intermittent no heat problem. I have continuity checked the thermostats which seem fine and the resistance on the thermistors matches the listing on the schematic as well. Flame sensor and coils looked good as well but I found some reports of coils checking fine when cold but failing when they heat up. So I replaced the coils and for good measure really cleaned out the exhaust. The first load dried fine but when I go to dry another I get no heat or the heat drops out shortly after starting. When I watch the operation I see a yellow glow I believe is the igniter that stays on way longer than I think it should. If it cools all the way down, the yellow glow is on for about 10-15 seconds and then with a mirror, I can see the blue gas flame. I'm going for the flame sensor next but looking for confirmation. Only other thing is the gas valve which is much more expensive... Thanks,
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