Whirlpool Refrigerator MODEL GB8SHKXKQ00
ISSUE: The fridge and freezer don't stay cold. The fridge gets to 46°F -52°F and the freezer isn't freezing water.
ACTIONS: the dials in fridge and freezer are both set to max cold. first we cleaned the coils which are under the fridge and got a lot of dirt out. But it had no effect. Then cleaning more, even took off the back shield From behind the fridge and cleaned.
ISSUE: Fridge and freezer still not staying cold. While cleaning We noticed A bunch of ice behind the shield on the back of The exterior of the fridge. So we looked directly on the other side of that and took the back of the interior of the freezer apart and noticed the whole part back there was iced up bad, so bad that the ice was coming out if the back of the fridge exterior.
ACTION: we let the fridge thaw out and the next day the fridge got cold again but then later that day the same symptoms returned as if we had done nothing. The fridge was not staying cold and the ice is starting to appear again from the lower Center exterior back of the fridge, where wires and a tube goes in.
the defrost timer Is at the bottom right front Of the exterior of the fridge and it seems to be functioning correctly. The drain tube doesn't seem to be clogged. I haven't checked anything with a multi meter