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Hello Appliantology,

I am new to the forum and have not been able to find my answer.  I have a Kenmore Elite top load washer model # 79631512210 which has stopped working as of late. There is definitely power going to the unit as I hear two clicks from the Display Control Board when I plug the machine in. I hear the same two clicks if I press the power button. Although I hear the noise coming from the display board I see any display or lights, nor does the LED on the back light up. All this leads me to believe this problem is probably with that board but before I order one off ebay I would love everyone's opinion. I also tried to place it into the diagnostic mode but could not, no buzzer noises, lights, or anything. Am I on the right track with the DCB or could it be one of the other control boards? Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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  • john63


  • BreadBOB



Usually a failed Main Board.


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Thank you John63 it totally was the main control board. A quick edit to my original post for any others who read this - I was mistaking the main control board for the back side of the PCB for the display board (as they are mounted front to back). On closer inspection there is an obvious break where the plastic housing meet one another. 

Out of curiosity, does anyone know which component on the MCB often fails?




Usually a failed power relay.

The red LED not being illuminated is also a good clue.

If power is detected at the Main Board...that narrows down the cause too.

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