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Appliantology Newsletter: Get the Apprentice Advantage!

Samurai Appliance Repair Man


Appliantology Newsletter
Get the Apprentice Advantage!
July 30, 2012

Presents another award-winning issue of...

It's All You Can Eat... FREE!
In our continuing efforts to enhance your experience in getting the expert appliantological wisdom you need to repair your appliances, we have made some improvements to the Appliantology Academy.

With over 200,000 posts in the Appliantology repair forums, a quick search using the box in the upper right-hand corner of this page or using the Super Site Search box may reveal all the help you need for your specific appliance problem. Any guest or registered Grasshopper can access all of the posts in the Kitchen and Laundry forums absolutely free of charge.

That's a great deal. But you need to know that there is a LOT more help available to you at the Academy if you need or want it.

To Unleash the Full Power of the Academy, Become an Apprentice
Here are the awesome advantages you receive as an Apprentice Appliantologist:

- POSTING PRIVILEGES: You can start, edit, or reply to posts. Start a topic with your particular appliance repair question, and receive personal, interactive help from the team of talented Master Appliantologists. They will step you through your repair from start to finish with troubleshooting instructions, diagrams, photos, videos, insider tips, or whatever it takes to help you get the job done. BAM!

- LIVE CHAT WITH THE MASTERS: Got a quick question or need help fast? Head on over to the Appliantology Chat Room and ask one of the Appliantology Masters... LIVE! If one of the Masters is in there, go ahead and ask. We're here to help!

- SERVICE MANUALS: Having access to the service manual for your appliance is another powerful information tool that may be a crucial help in completing your repair. You can get manuals either in the Downloads section of this site or, if you're not finding the manual you need there, just ask us in the Appliance Service Manual Request Forum and we'll git it to you taco-pronto!

- ALL-FORUM ACCESS: Move beyond your kitchen and laundry appliances and participate in the many other forums at the Academy, such as Small Appliances, HVAC, Water Heaters, and more!

- PRIVATE MESSAGING: Communication with the Masters becomes much easier with the addition of private messaging to your toolkit!

All of this Appliantological power at your fingertips, for as little as $10.

Go Ahead and Take the Next Step!
STEP 1: REGISTER AS A GRASSHOPPER (free) ==> CLICK HERE (If you've already registered, make sure you're logged in-- look for your username in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.)



FAQs About the Appliantology Academy Apprenticeship Program
Q: Why should I pay to get help at your site instead of just going to another site that's free?

A: Generally in life, you get what you pay for and that goes for the quality of help you get. And remember, the help you get at the Appliantology Academy isn't limited to the just forum replies-- you get service manuals and live chat access, too. At the Appliantology Academy, you'll get priority attention from an elite corps of hand-picked, internationally-renowned Master Appliantologists together with the service manuals and technical bulletins you need to get it fixed right and fixed right away!

Q: Why are the subscription fees so low?

A: Thanks for asking! We're not trying to make a profit off the subscriptions, we're just trying to cover our costs which include web hosting, bandwidth, and software licensing fees and also the time it takes to actually run and maintain the site-- time I could be spending earning money running my local service call business.

Q: Most websites today have Google ads on them, but I didn't see any at the Appliantology Academy. Why not?

A: Thanks for noticing! I don't run Google Ads at the Appliantology Academy because I value a neat, clear and uncluttered user experience over the few extra shekels that I could make by junking up the site with them. I think Google ads make a site look junky and cheesy. I don't run them at my blog, Fixitnow.com, either for the same reason.

Q: You're just charging money because you're greedy.

A: Well, that's not a question, it's actually a Marxist accusation, the implication being that money somehow defiles an otherwise "pure and pristine" association. The sad reality is that it takes money to do anything worthwhile. Perhaps the cruelest irony of all, even building a Marxist temple or running Obama's re-election campaign require money. Where's the justice in that? No justice, no peas!

The time and resources I spend running the Appliantology Academy could be spent doing paying service calls in my local area and earning money for things like food, medical bills, mortgage payment, power bills, etc., not to mention the confiscatory taxes we're all forced to pay at the local, state, and federal levels. So, if it makes you feel better, think of your subscription fees as helping to pay for Obama Care (if you're a Democrat) or to help pay for more foreign wars and corporate welfare (if you're a Republican).

But, because we feel your pain, we do offer a special tool to help you build up your shekels and buy an Apprenticeship subscription.
See you in the Academy!

Domo for reading and Sayanara!

Samurai Appliance Repair Man, www.Appliantology.org


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