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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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Refrigerator Checklist - Spring 2013

Spring 2013 is finally here! When I think about spring, I think, "Oh, goodie: Refrigerator Season!" Why do I get excited and squeal like a little piglet in a donut shop about Refrigerator Season? Because I know my phone is about to explode with a whole lotta high-dolla warm refrigerator repair calls. Here are five simple things you can do to your refrigerator right now to keep your beer tooth-crackin' cold right on through the up-coming summer heat wave. 1. Clean your refrigerator condenser s

Red Neck Country Club on Otter Pond

Been enjoying some rare conditions on Otter Pond these past few days. It's been cold but not much snow. So Otter Pond has frozen over to into this enormous skating rink. Checkout all the pics ==> here. <img src="http://cdn-3-service.phanfare.com/images/external/4169021_5416364_147305562_WebSmall_3/0_0_7ab4be7d0b4c803aa0001edb6e21b977_1"> <img src="http://cdn-3-service.phanfare.com/images/external/4169021_5416364_147305690_WebSmall_3/0_0_995e8626b90799656612288401826a80_1">

Radiation Exposure Dose Chart

Here's a handy and easy-to-use radiation dose chart that shows the radiation exposure from various activities and events ranging from mundane activities to catastrophic scenarios. Go ahead and download it and keep it handy. (click for larger view)

Putting a Samsung refrigerator into forced defrost mode

If you're troubleshooting a defrosting problem with your Samsung refrigerator, one of the first things you'll want to do is manually put it into defrost mode so you can use your meter and see if the control board is sending 120vac to the defrost heater. Here's the procedure that'll work for most current Samsung refrigerator models: (click for larger view)

Programming Instructions for the HV Control Board used in some Whirlpool-built Bottom Mount Refrigerators

Some models of Whirlpool-built bottom mount refrigerators use a high-voltage control board that, at some point, you may need to replace. These boards are used in certain models of Whirlpool, Maytag, and Kenmore-branded bottom mount refrigerators. Here's what the HV board looks like: Part number: AP4568436 When you replace this HV control board, you will need to program it to work in your particular model. If you don't program the new HV board, you'll get the error code PEO 000 in the dis

Oven Self-Clean Folly

This is the time of year, the countdown to Thanksgiving, that we professional Appliantologists lovingly refer to as “Cooking Season.” I love cooking season. It marks the next season in my local appliance service bidness from the warm refrigerator fire drills all summer long, through the inevitable slowdown after Labor Day, to cooking season when families get together to break bread and turkey legs, crack a few cold ones, catch up on each other’s lives and generally get on each other’s nerves.

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Outage Fever

Been having brief but increasing frequent bouts of outages. This is especially annoying because I'm paying for premium hosting for this forum for the specific purpose of ensuring reliable uptime. Oh, the bitter disappointment! I'll keep limping along and complaining about this to Invision Power Board... for a while. If it keeps up, I'll just give up and revert back to the old forum. I think it was Sublime Master BrntToast who prophetically cautioned about this move, "If it ain't broke, d

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Orifice Size Code Markings for LG Gas Stove Burners

The orifice hoods are the little brass hoods that screw down on the gas jet that supplied the stove burners in a gas stove. Their purpose is to meter the correct amount of gas into the air-fule mixture that gets ignited at the burner ring. The diameters of the orifice vary with the BTU rating of the burner and the type of fuel being burned. Professor john63 provides us this handy listing of orifice metering hood size codes for LG gas cooktops and ranges: Source: LG Center Burners

Online Appliance Parts Ripoffs and Scams

Floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee, it's another killa issue of Appliantology. I look out on the web and what do I see? Another frikka-frakka scammer got his eye on me. How'm I 'posed to git the appliance parts I need wif all these little punks tryin' to make me bleed? Ain't but one person got the truth, I know: SamuraiRepairman, here I go…

Old Skool washing machine motors: a quick, simple explanation of how they work

The Old Skool washing machine motors that we all know and love are the big, honkin', clunky motors in all the older model top loading washing machines. They are controlled with simple mechanical timers and switches. Depending on which contacts are made on the timer, the direction of rotation can be controlled. In order to have different speeds, the motor has to have different windings physically built into it at the time of manufacture and then the timer or selector switch can energize these

Official Appliantology Service Call Mugs™ now available

Brethren, we're always looking for new ways to establish credibility and trust with our customers. This is an especially difficult task in our trade because of the many hacks, shysters and parts-changing monkeys that infest our venerable Craft. Now you can instantly show your customers that you're not just another PCM-- nawsir, you can show them that you're an appliantological GOD with the Official Appliantology Service Call Mug™! There's just no surer way to inspire trust and confidence in

Off to the 21st Annual Appliance Service Training Institute (ASTI) in Orlando...

Heading down to the ASTI in Orlando tomorrow (March 5) to bask in the cornucopia of pearls of appliantological wisdom being cast out by the various appliance manufacturers! The ASTI is going on from March 6 - 9 and I'll be returning on Sunday, March 10. Since I won't have my desktop computer with me, I won't be able to upload service manual requests but I may still be able to PM download links from my Dropbox. I'll still have my iPhone and iPad with me and will check in with the Appliantology fo

Nuke Boy has a Tummy Ache

Oh those nutty Japanese! <embed width="320" height="240" quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" name="main" id="main" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" src="http://video.godlikeproductions.com/modules/vPlayer/vPlayer.swf?f=http://video.godlikeproductions.com/modules/vPlayer/vPlayercfg.php?fid=8f27d23aedf7aff903f" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/></embed>

Now Facebook integration

Just like with Twitter integration where you can sign in with Twitter, now you can do the same thing with Facebook. Just makin' it all kinda easy to get into The School and learn how to git stuff fixed!

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

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