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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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How to fix hot refrigerator door gaskets

Refrigerator and freezer condenser coil cleaning brush with instructions. (Also works great for dryer lint) ==> http://www.repaircli...303318693/12859 Refrigerator condenser fan motor (and lots of other refrigerator parts, too) ==> http://www.repaircli...rigerator-Parts You can see an interactive diagram showing the locations of various parts in your refrigerator here ==> http://www.repaircli...tor-Repair-Help Another post on this problem that you might like ==> http://fixitnow.com/.

Using the Gallery Section at the Appliantology Academy

If you are registered here at the Appliantology Academy, you have the ability to create your own album. Share the trials and triumphs of your appliance repair battles. Furthermore, good, annotated appliance repair-related photos can earn you a free Merit Apprenticeship here at the Academy! This screencast is dedicated to Sublime Master Strathy <iframe width=652 height=533 frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="http://www.screencast-o-matic.com/embed?sc=cle0FMgl8&w=650&v=3"></

Advice for repairing a Whirlpool Cabrio washer that makes a loud noise during spin

A visitor to www.Fixitnow.com surfed in and chatted with the Samurai about his noisy Cabrio washer. Let's listen in... Surfer from Santa Monica, CA, wrote during live chat: Here's what the Samurai told him during live chat. Obviously, the images were added later but the voice reply is real-- that's how live chat is done at www.Fixitnow.com and www.ApplianceGuru.com (Cabrio washer teardown images courtesy of Jerry at www.EliteApplianceService.org a.k.a., <strong>appl.tech.29501</strong&

How to determine if the transmission is bad in a Kenmore-Frigidaire top loading washer

This machine could be a stand-alone washer or part of a stack unit, doesn't matter 'cuz it's the same washer. If it has a Kenmore label on it, the model number prefix will be 417. A common symptom of a bad transmission is that it won't agitate. Still spins and drains, motor runs, the agitator just won't move during the agitate cycle. Grand Master kdog gives us the Quick n Dirty™ for checking the transmssion: And if the transmission turns out the be bad, here's your shopping list (click the

Is it worth fixing a 20-year old Kenmore (Whirlpool) direct drive washer that won’t spin or pump out?

Paul wrote: Click the play button below to listen to Samurai's reply right here on the Web! (If the audio player below doesn't show up in your browser because you're on an iPad, iPhone or really, really old browser, you can listen to it at this link ==> http://cinch.fm/fixitnowsamurai/401647 ) <embed src="http://cinch.fm/cinchplayerext.swf" flashvars="file=http:%2f%2fcinch.fm%2fcinchplaylist.aspx%3FRecordingID%3D401647&playermode=text&autostart=false&bufferlength=5&volume=8

Using Jing to Make Screen Shots and Post them at the Appliantology Forums

Here's a screencast I made showing how to use Jing to clip an image, upload it to the Gallery at the Appliantology Academy and then post that image in a topic in the forums. <iframe width=652 height=533 frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="http://www.screencast-o-matic.com/embed?sc=cleY1YBmm&w=650&v=3"></iframe> (If the screencast won't play, you need to update the Java version on your computer.)

Apprenticeships at the Appliantology Academy

For many years grasshoppers by the thousands have found solace and expert guidance here in this world-famous, award-winning appliance repair forum from the Samurai and his brethren Master Appliantologists. You can sift through the glittering pearls in this treasure-trove of wisdom - over 200,000 posts! If you're not finding what you need, then go ahead and register as a Grasshopper so you can start a new topic in the Kitchen or Laundry repair forums-- absotootly free! After you've registered, yo

Understanding the run cycles and the operating sequence of the neutral drain in a Whirlpool / Kenmore direct-drive washer

The neutral drain is a feature added to the later production models of the Whirlpool/Kenmore direct-drive top-loading washer to prevent the washer transmission from going into spin while the tub was still full of water. To accomplish this, Whirlpool jiggered a way of putting the transmission into neutral while the drain pump drained the water. Understanding this neutral drain feature has befuddled many Grasshoppers and Master Appliantologists alike. This post will hopefully demystify that for

Tips for replacing the brake pads in a Maytag / Amana NAV / SAV top load washer

Here's the brake pad set ==> http://www.repaircli...mber=SAV3655AWW Professor Willie calls the dance steps on this little ditty: In case you need more help, the service manual for this washer is the Downloads section of this site ratcheer ==> http://appliantology...odels-16022937/ You'll need to be an Apprentice to download it ==> http://apprentice.appliantology.org/ More parts for this washer (helix, tub seal and bearing, pump, drive belt, etc.) ==> http://www.repaircli...ID-631295

Troubleshooting tip for fixing an Amana NED7200TW (Samsung-built) electric dryer that's not heating

Being a Samsung-built dryer, this one can throw you a curve ball if you're not used to thinking like a Korean. Fortunately, Doctor John is fluent in Korean Dryerese and sets us on the right track: Here's the part link for the thermistor ==> http://www.repairclinic.com/PartDetail/Thermistor/35001191/1185513?modelNumber=NED7200TW10 And, for reference and enrichment, here's the schematic for this dryer: Click for large view - Uploaded with Skitch Source: Amana NED7200TW Dryer no heat, problem

How to disassemble the CustomCool compartment in a GE Profile or Arctica refrigerator

The CustomCool is a gimmicky marketing name that GE came up with for what is basically a souped-up crisper drawer in the refrigerator. The drawer has been outfitted with a system of dampers, a fan, a temperature thermistor and a heater. Depending on the function selected on the CustomCool settings in the controls at the top of the refrigerator, a combination of these components can be used to theoretically chill items quickly, thaw items or hold the drawer pan at a specific temperature.

LG Front-Load Washer and Top-Mount and Bottom-Mount Refrigerator Training Albums

Screencast showing the new albums of photos of handouts from a technical training session on the new model LG top-mount and bottom-mount refrigerators and front-load washers. Mucho domos to Grand Master Funk appl.tech.29501 for the photos of the training material! Links to the new albums in the Gallery: LG Washer Training ==> http://appliantology...asher-training/ LG Refrigerator Training ==> http://appliantology...rator-training/

Hillstomping Update: Crawford Path to Mt. Ignatius with the Oz Man

Hiked up Crawford Path with the Oz Man to Mt. Ignatius (which some people still call by its statist name of Eisenhower) yesterday. Still plenty of snow below treeline but slushy to bare rock above treeline. Very warm at a balmy 30F. The video is a shot from Mt. Pharmuthius (Pierce) looking north to Mt. Ignatius and beyond and a pan from the summit of Mt. Ignatius.

Hillstomping Update: Welch n' Dickey Loop

Good to finally be out on the trail again today after being sick for over a month! Still not 100% and definitely felt that on the trail as I was hacking up some really interesting greenies on the snow. Good thing I chose a shortish hike for my reappearance in the White Mountains. The Welch and Dickey Loop is a 4.5 mile hike that has one of the highest views-to-effort ratios in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Accompanied as always by my semper-fi canine hiking partner, The Oz Man, we st

How to replace the drain pump in an LG front load washer stacked laundry unit

The need for this repair could be something obvious like the washer isn't draining (though other things can cause that, too, like a plugged drain hose) or something less obvious like an OE error code. First step is to come git you a new drain pump with a 365-day return policy ratcheer ==> http://www.repaircli...EA2001D/1266821 The Academy's resident Professor of LG-ology, john63, tiptoes us thru these tulips... Source: LG Front Load WM2077CW, won't spin
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