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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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Entries in this blog

Team Samurai Heading off to the Old Country

Well, mah Bruvahs, Mrs. Samurai finally convinced me that we needed to take a vacation. It's been decades since we've taken a true vacation that wasn't a business trip in disguise. The past couple of years have been especially intense and transformative ones for Team Samurai (me, Mrs. Samurai, and our two sons Stephen and Sam) with the creation and development of the Samurai Tech Academy. I know I make all this look easy and it seems like one day I just whipped out MasterSamuraiTech.com like, "O

Troubleshooting an LG French Door Refrigerator with a Warm Freezer

The model number of this LG refrigerator is LFC25776ST/00. Customer reports that the freezer is warm but the fresh food compartment is still okay. Watch in amazement as The Appliance Guru hunts down the problem as if it were a wild, senseless beast. [media=] Unfortunately, the main PCB, p/n EBR67348002, is on national backorder so the customer will have to wait possibly up to a month to get her refrigerator fixed. If you live in the New London, NH, area and need fast, expert appliance repair se

How to replace the plastic condenser fan motor kit in an Amana-Kenmore refrigerator

This is kind of a funky little condenser fan motor kit to install and can be confusing, especially since the kit doesn't come with destructions. Here's the condenser fan motor kit ==> http://www.repairclinic.com/PartDetail/Condenser-Fan-Motor/12002738/1256875 Just be sure to use wire ties to secure fan motor leads back away from fan motor blade. This will prevent leads from blocking condenser fan blade. Master Willie offers some additional insight and analysis: Source: kenmore 59652673202

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

What's the best way to test the defrost circuit in this refrigerator?

Hint: Please don't bore us with any amateur hour "ohm out" answers.  Extra credit: What is the function of the brown wire at pin 5 of the ADC controller?  Double extra-special credit: Enroll at Master Samurai Tech and a get free premium tech membership here at Appliantology.   First person to post the correct BEST answer, I'll hoist a mug of my flavorite brew in your honor. AND if you get the Extra Credit question, too, you'll get an electronic plate of my special cardboard c

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man in Tech Talk

Helpful Tips and Tricks for Troubleshooting Samsung Refrigerators

Troubleshooting Samsung refrigerators can be a head-fake for Appliantologists who aren't used to some of their special quirks. If you know just a few tips, it can really facilitate your troubleshooting and even keep you from faking yourself out or running down rabbit holes. Brother Durham has put together a short list of some very helpful tips and tricks to keep tucked into one of those cerebral creases when you're tracking down a problem in a Samsung refrigerator. Let us attend: Buy parts for y

Daughter of Samurai's Big Fat Greek Wedding: The Movie

My daughter got married September 2 this year in Syracuse, NY. It was a Big Fat Greek wedding just like in the eponymous movie. I'm half Greek and half white so my family contributed a little, watered-down Greekness. But my daughter married into a huge and very Greek family. The reception was a blast: open bar with beer, wine, mixed drinks; live Greek band; lots of Greek dancing, partying and having a good time. There was so much prep leading up to the wedding that I got behind my other work an

The REAL New World Order is here!

Christ is risen from death and the rebellious sons of god (fallen angels) from Genesis 6:1-4 are judged and condemned (Psalm 82). The disinheritance from the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11 and Deuteronomy 32:8-9) is ended. The long exile of the 12 tribes is over. ALL people are freed from bondage, liberated from death and the power of demons, and all are called back into communion with the Most High God in the Messiah to be a new creation: the New Israel, a global Eden!   

Countdown to Takeoff

Today's zie big day: the pilgrimage to Mount Athos, the Holy Mountain, in Greece. It all starts with a two hour bus ride to Boston Logan airport. After clearing the TSA anal cavity check, we'll have a seven hour, bone crushing flight to Zurich where we'll enjoy a five hour wait for our connecting flight. Mmm, five hours hanging around a stinking airport with blaring loud speakers and and constant threats of more body cavity violation. Jealous yet? From there, we'll take another five hour fl

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Caption Contest! There's even a prize... read on!

I removed the back of the control panel on a range the other day, and found this little critter. (My customer freaked!) Seems like this pic is just a-squeakin' for a good caption. If you've got one, put it in the comments below. Vote for a caption by "liking" it. If your caption gets the most "likes," you'll win your very own official Appliantology travel mug and will be the envy of all your friends. Contest ends at midnight this coming Sunday, November 24.

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

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