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Scrotum Scrubber Roundup

Here are a few of the scrotum scrubbers I've repaired in my distinguished career as an appliance repair professional. Personally, I don't use this type of appliance-- why have an appliance do something that a simple wash cloth will do? Saves money and energy and it's better for the environment. Honestly, I think our society's obsession with technology is unhealthy sometimes. The Poly Scrub Has a more gentle scrubbing action than some of the others but may leave some skin behind and may not be a

How to replace a broken drum baffle in a Whirlpool / Kenmore dryer

The drum baffles in a dryer are those plastic ridges that stick out in the drum. They look like this: Without those drum baffles, the clothes would get wadded up into a tangled ball that wouldn't dry werf a shi'ite. If one of the baffles is broken off inside your dryer, it's an easy and inexpensive repair. Here's the part link to the baffle ==> Dryer Drum Baffle And here's how to install it: Source: Clothes getting all tangled, bar came off Kenmore 80 series dryer

How to fix a Subzero 550 that repeatedly freezes up the defrost condensate drain

Now, here's the kick in the pants: thanks to SZ, you can no longer buy the floor heater thru the link above-- it's left there because at the time of the original post you could and it shows you a photo of the kit. SZ decided they wanted to keep those parts profits in house so you have to buy it thru either SZ or one of their beeotches. Source: Subzero Mod 550, defrost drain iced up

The consequences of using non-HE detergent in an LG washer

Today's riddle: Q: Why would someone spend $1,000 or more on a shiny new LG front load washer and then try to save a few shekels by using non-HE (high efficiency) detergent (in contradiction to the explicit warning in the owner's manual)? A: Because they're penny-wise and dollar-dumb. So what are the consequences of using non-HE detergent in any front load washer? You mean besides voiding your warranty? Well, let's see, there's all kinda mechanical problems that you're gonna induce into the

Whirlpool Vertical Modular Washer (VMW) Training Manual

File Name: Whirlpool Vertical Modular Washer (VMW) Training Manual File Submitter: Samurai Appliance Repair Man File Submitted: 03 Jan 2012 File Category: Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper Job Aid W10329932 Covers models: MVWC400XW MVWX500XW MVWX550XW MVWX600XW MVWX700XW WTW4950XW WTW5500XW WTW5550XW WTW5600XW WTW5700XW Click here to download this file Source: New Appliance Service Manual added: Whirlpool Vertical Modular Washer (VMW) Training Manual

How to troubleshoot and diagnose the high voltage system in a microwave oven

If you're troubleshooting a no heat problem in a microwave oven, the first thing to check is the door interlock switches. If those check out good, then you're off the high voltage circuitry in the microwave. This video will show you how to troubleshoot the high voltage system ==> Download Video (180mb, .mov file) To learn more about your microwave or to order parts, click here.

Red Neck Country Club on Otter Pond

Been enjoying some rare conditions on Otter Pond these past few days. It's been cold but not much snow. So Otter Pond has frozen over to into this enormous skating rink. Checkout all the pics ==> here. <img src="http://cdn-3-service.phanfare.com/images/external/4169021_5416364_147305562_WebSmall_3/0_0_7ab4be7d0b4c803aa0001edb6e21b977_1"> <img src="http://cdn-3-service.phanfare.com/images/external/4169021_5416364_147305690_WebSmall_3/0_0_995e8626b90799656612288401826a80_1">

Normal gas burner operation sequence in a gas dryer

My old guru, AT1 Crowe, used to tell me, "Look, sailor, how you gonna even begin to troubleshoot equipment to figure out what's wrong if you don't know what right is?" Applying this flawless logic to gas dryers, if the burner in your gas dryer ain't firing up, you gotta at least start by knowing what the correct operation sequence is. Grand Master Reg lays it out for us: To learn more about your dryer or to order parts, click here. Source: Kenmore Dryer 110.73942101 - no heat

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

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