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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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How to access and disassemble the Custom Cool unit in a GE Profile or Arctica refrigerator

This video shows how to disassembly the freezer in a GE Profile or Arctica refrigerator. It also shows disassembly of the Custom Cool™ unit itself and its various parts. <object id="scPlayer" width="320" height="288" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://content.screencast.com/users/zenzoidman/folders/Videos/media/0bf36abc-28f7-4ba8-8b58-35355fdd0504/mp4h264player.swf" > <param name="movie" value="http://content.screencast.com/users/zenzoidman/folders/Videos/media/0bf36abc

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

How to upload files to the Downloads section of the Appliantology Academy

Join Samurai Appliance Repair Man and Mrs. Samurai in this latest installment of our award-winning screencast series. Tonight's exciting episode explains how to upload files to the Downloads section of this site in such a way that other folks can come along later and find your contributed scrolls of Appliantological wisdom. <iframe src="http://www.screenr.com/embed/CfVs" width="650" height="396" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Mt. Ascutney with the Oz Man

Up and back to the West Peak of Mt. Ascutney via the Weathersfield Trail. Very icy trail conditions! The Oz Man and I both took several world class tumbles. I was wearing Yak Trax Pros because my Katoola microspikes broke. And full-blown 10-point crampons would've been overkill, even dangerous with the many rocks poking up out of the ice-- snag a crampon fang on one of those going down and you're going headlong down the mountain. Wish I had taken some pics of the trail but I got some other s

Tips for troubleshooting a Samsung dishwasher with an HE (heating element) error

This problem could manifest as the dishwasher running nonstop and not entering the drying cycle. Academy Fellow john63 points us in the right direction: Part links: Heating element ==> http://www.repaircli...Number=DMR78AHS Heater relay ==> http://www.repaircli...1000260/2028620 Door latch ==> http://www.repaircli...400002B/1603323 Main circuit board ==> http://www.repaircli...Number=DMR78AHS Source: Samsung DMR78AHS dishwasher runs nonstop and do not enters drying cycle

How to properly replace the thermistors in a refrigerator: an illustrated and annotated guide

A special treat today, kids: Sublime Master Bob-tech is featured in this week's edition of Techniques from the Masters™ for replacing the thermistors in a GE refrigerator. The technique demonstrated here is on a GE bottom-mount refrigerator but the same technique applies to all brands and types of refrigerators that use thermistors for temperature sensing. The idea is that you want those connections to have as little resistance as possible, ideally less than 1/2 ohm. Samsung, for example, pre

The Hard Facts about Hard Water and Your Appliances

Complaints about the washer or dishwasher not cleaning very well are one of the more common ones I get from grasshoppers at my website and from paying grasshoppers in the field, also known as customers. The first thing I always like to figger out in these cases is how hard the water is. What’s water hardness and why’s it so ding-dang important? Well, Hoss, hang on ’cause I’m gonna ‘splain it to you. Hardness is a term them fancy-pants engineers use to talk about dissolved minerals, mostly calciu

Scrotum Scrubber Roundup

Here are a few of the scrotum scrubbers I've repaired in my distinguished career as an appliance repair professional. Personally, I don't use this type of appliance-- why have an appliance do something that a simple wash cloth will do? Saves money and energy and it's better for the environment. Honestly, I think our society's obsession with technology is unhealthy sometimes. The Poly Scrub Has a more gentle scrubbing action than some of the others but may leave some skin behind and may not be a

How to replace a broken drum baffle in a Whirlpool / Kenmore dryer

The drum baffles in a dryer are those plastic ridges that stick out in the drum. They look like this: Without those drum baffles, the clothes would get wadded up into a tangled ball that wouldn't dry werf a shi'ite. If one of the baffles is broken off inside your dryer, it's an easy and inexpensive repair. Here's the part link to the baffle ==> Dryer Drum Baffle And here's how to install it: Source: Clothes getting all tangled, bar came off Kenmore 80 series dryer
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