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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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How to fix a Subzero 550 that repeatedly freezes up the defrost condensate drain

Now, here's the kick in the pants: thanks to SZ, you can no longer buy the floor heater thru the link above-- it's left there because at the time of the original post you could and it shows you a photo of the kit. SZ decided they wanted to keep those parts profits in house so you have to buy it thru either SZ or one of their beeotches. Source: Subzero Mod 550, defrost drain iced up

How to fix a Samsung dual-evaporator refrigerator where the beer compartment keeps icing up

This fix is for the Samsung-built refrigerators (includes some GE's) with two evaporator coils: one in the freezer compartment and a second one in the beer compartment (most refrigerators just have a single evaporator coil in the freezer compartment). The problem here is that ice would be left in the condensate drain pan after defrost (see below) which would build up to a solid chunk of ice. Here's a clever, low-cost solution: Source: defrost failure samsung model RS2555SL

How to fix a GE PFSS6 or PFSF6 (made by Samsung) that won't make ice or has a noisy ice maker

Look at the blue tag on the bottom of the icemaker. If the date is prior to March 1, 2008, replace the icemaker ==> Icemaker Part Link Now go to the back of the fridge and open the metal cover to the muthaboard cubby and look at the software version to the left of the CPU; if it's less than 4.02, replace the muthaboard ==> Muthaboard Part Link Source: GE Profile refrig Model PFSS6PKXASS--wont make ice and change water filter light on
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