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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Complete maintenance and tuneup kit for a Kenmore-Frigidaire dryer

Getting sick of all that thumpin', bumpin', rattlin', and moanin' going on inside that dryer when you run it? For just a few bucks and little bit of handiwork, you can make that dryer purr like a brand new one! You'll save money on your electric bill, too because the dryer will run more efficiently. Here's the link to the maintenance kit ==> http://www.repaircli...er=417.79042990 And here's how to install it: Source: Kenmore Gas Dryer Thermal Fuse 417.79042990

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Solar-Powered Snowblower Service call on Mt. Cardigan

"Can you fly, Bobby?" by Zenzoidman, on Flickr Got called out to Mt. Cardigan for a service call on a solar-powered snowblower. Oh yeah, you betcha: the Samurai stays on the bleeding edge of technology and is experienced in repairing solar-powered appliances, too. Appliantology.org: The Samurai Appliance Repair Academy -- your one stop for ALL your appliance repair needs. Wrong Address? by Zenzoidman, on Flickr I thought this was the place but it's all boarded up. My GPS musta given me bum

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Appliantology Newsletter, December 2011: Last-Minute Gift Ideas and Some Helpful Appliance Repair Tips

Appliantology Newsletter, December 2011: Last-Minute Gift Ideas and Some Helpful Appliance Repair Tips 1. Ultimate Appliance Gift Ideas 2. Snowblower Repair 3. Recent Appliance Repair Tips at Fixitnow.com 4. Share the Love! ### ### ### ### 1. Ultimate Appliance Gift Ideas Panicking over last-minute holiday shopping? Never fear! We've got ideas for ya. Of course, one of the best gifts would be to finally repair that nagging problem on your [fill in troublemaking appliance here], and you know

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Testing a Microwave High-Voltage Rectifier

When you're troubleshooting a no-heat complaint in a microwave, one of the components you may need to check is the high-voltage rectifier (called a "rectumflyer" in the trade. ) Trouble is, the junction resistance on these rectumfliers is so high that doing a standard forward and reverse bias test with an ohm meter won't tell you anything because it'll just read open in both directions. This video shows an easy method for testing these special critters: <div align="center"><iframe wid

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

How to test a dryer cycling thermostat

<div align="center"><iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/5AVVv7nN5do" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div> <p style="text-align:center; font-size:18px;">To learn more about your dryer, or to order parts, <a href="http://www.repairclinic.com/Dryer-Repair-Help">click here</a>.</p>

How to disassemble an LG dryer to remove a sock or something stuck in the blower

Dryer powers up, you select a cycle and push start and the dryer hums for a coupla seconds and then goes quiet for a while. This usually indicates something is blocking the drum from rotating. A sock stuck in the blower would do it. A quick test to see if you have a drum blockage problem is to simply open the door and try to turn the drum by hand. If you can't turn the drum manually, ain't no way that dinky motor in there is gonna turn it, ether! Can I hear an, "A-freakin-men?" If you need

How to replace the motor brushes in a Bosch WFR2450 Axxis+ washer

If your Bosch washer won't spin or tumble, or the motor makes weird growling noises, you may need to replace the carbon brushes in the motor. Here's the part link to the replacement brush set ==> http://www.repaircli.../154740/1043249 And here's a pretty good video that shows you how to replace them: Although the video does a good job of showing you how to replace the brushes, Grand Master kdog offers the following clarifying comments on some of the other points mentioned in the video: So

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

What are PTC compressor start relays?

PTC stands for Positive Temperature Coefficient. This refers to the silicon guts inside the relay whose resistance increases as its temperature rises. When the compressor first starts up, the resistance of the PTC stuff is very low and it lets current flow into the start winding of the compressor. As the current flows thru the PTC, it heats it up and also raises its resistance to the point that the start winding is effectively taken out of the circuit, which is what you want to happen as soon as

Some tips on diagnosing the door latch assembly on a Frigidaire Gallery frontload washer that won't do high speed spin

For any frontload washer that won't go into high speed spin (but does tumble), the top three things to check are: 1. Drum pump out. No pumpy, no spinny. If the drum is not pumping all the water out before spin begins, the imbalance and/or hall effect sensors sensors in the machine will prevent it from going into high speed spin. Incomplete or no pump-out conditions are caused by a problem with the drainage system: drain pump bad or gunked up with gookus, drain hose clogged, suction boot clo
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